News archive
Status of the project // Estado del proyecto
Dear Volunteers,
As you may have noticed, the task hiatus has extended longer than we would have liked. I apologize for not writing sooner, as I was hoping we could launch something earlier. However, given our current workload and the steps required for the new simulations, there will be no new tasks at least until the end of February.
I apologize for this decrease in activity; we will return as soon as possible.
Estimados voluntarios:
Como habéis podido comprobar, el parón de tareas se ha extendido más de lo que nos habría gustado. Disculpad que no haya escrito antes porque esperaba que pudieramos lanzar algo antes, pero vista la carga de trabajo que tenemos y los pasos que requieren las nuevas simulaciones, no habrá nuevas tareas por lo menos hasta finales de febrero.
Disculpad esta bajada de actividad, volveremos lo antes posible.
27 Jan 2025, 9:45:23 UTC
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Project progress and summer period // Avance del proyecto y período estival
Dear volunteers,
First of all, please excuse me because I wanted to send this message a week ago, but I was not able to do so. As you have seen these days, just like last year, we are entering the summer period, and the rate of sending simulations will be affected. We hope that it does not stop completely, but the sent tasks will be reduced.
I take this opportunity to update the results of the last months: you have been optimizing one of the most used human ventricle models: the O'Hara and Rudy model. We have tested several optimization configurations and have obtained a new adjustment for the model that improves its behavior in relation to a large number of markers reported in the scientific literature. There is still a configurations that has not been finished, but we are already beginning to prepare a scientific publication that summarizes our results. As soon as it is finished and published (it is a long process), we will share it with you and explain it.
In the coming months we will begin to optimize a version of this widely used model, which is the basis of a new model we are developing to study heart failure. We will take advantage of this change in model to automate some things, so the slow pace of summer may be a little longer at the beginning of the school year, but with the objective that the pace will not slow down afterwards.
Thank you all very much for your understanding, and this afternoon, new tasks.
Best regards,
Estimados voluntarios:
En primer lugar, disculpadme porque este mensaje quería haberlo mandado hace una semana, y no pude hacerlo. Como habéis comprobado estos días, al igual que el año pasado, entramos en el período estival, y el ritmo de envío de simulaciones se verá afectado. Esperemos que no se detenga del todo pero se reducirán las tareas que enviaremos.
Aprovecho para actualizaros que en los últimos meses, habéis estado optimizando uno de los modelos de ventrículo humano más utilizados: el modelo de O'Hara y Rudy. Hemos probado varias configuraciones de la optimización y hemos obtenido un nuevo ajuste del modelo que mejora el comportamiento del mismo con relación a una gran cantidad de marcadores reportados en la literatura científica. Queda un poco para que termine una de las configuraciones, pero estamos ya comenzando a preparar una publicación científica que resuma nuestros resultados. Tan pronto como esté terminada y publicada (es un proceso largo), os la compartiremos y explicaremos.
En los próximos meses comenzaremos a optimizar una versión de este modelo que se usa mucho y que es la base de un nuevo modelo que estamos desarrollando para estudiar la insuficiencia cardiaca. Aprovecharemos este cambio de modelo para automatizar algunas cosas, así que igual el ritmo lento de verano se alarga un poco al comienzo de curso, pero con la idea de que después no baje el ritmo.
Muchas gracias a todos por la comprensión, y esta tarde, tareas nuevas.
Un saludo,
29 Jul 2024, 11:12:12 UTC
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Hard drive space crisis solved // Crisis de espacio en el disco duro resuelta
Dear volunteers,
This weekend we have broken a new record for computing Teraflops (since we are in this new stage of the project). This is thanks to the pace of sending results that you have been doing in recent days and being more stable in the generation of work packages.
Although we were monitoring it, the coincidence of this peak with the database backup on the weekend has caused the hard drive to become saturated sooner than expected. We have been working since Monday on moving data out of the server and even other processes, but as we gained space it kept filling up with results that were pending upload.
This morning, for the first time in two days, more tasks have been validated than have been received and little by little normality will return. At first, it doesn't seem like anything has been lost and we are already submitting work again.
We have expanded the space to receive results and are working on automating some of the tasks to ensure we can continue to grow.
Thank you all very much, if we have this type of problems it is because of the great support you give us, we will continue working to grow by your side.
Sorry for not answering in the forums, and thank you very much for be aware of the evolution.
All the best,
Estimados voluntarios:
Este fin de semana hemos batido un nuevo record de Teraflops de computación (desde que estamos en esta nueva etapa del proyecto). Esto es gracias al ritmo de envío de resultados que estáis haciendo en los últimos días y de estar más estables en la generación de paquetes de trabajo.
Aunque ibamos monitorizándolo, la coincidencia de este pico con la copia de seguridad de la base de datos en el fin de semana ha hecho que se saturara el disco duro antes de lo esperado. Hemos estado trabajando desde el lunes en mover datos fuera del servidor e incluso otros procesos, pero según ganábamos espacio se seguía llenando con los resultados que estaban pendientes de subir.
Esta mañana, por primera vez en dos días se han validado más tareas de las que se han recibido y poco a poco se irá retomando la normalidad. En principio, no parece que se haya perdido nada y ya estamos enviando trabajo de nuevo.
Hemos ampliado el espacio para recibir resultados y estamos trabajando en automatizar algunas de las tareas para garantizar que podemos seguir creciendo.
Muchas gracias a todos, si tenemos este tipo de problemas es por el gran apoyo que nos dais, seguiremos trabajando para crecer a vuestro lado.
Disculpad que no haya contestado en los foros, muchas gracias por estar tan pendientes de la evolución.
Un saludo,
13 Mar 2024, 9:20:00 UTC
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Project status update // Actualización del estado del proyecto
Dear volunteers,
I am writing to update you on how the different experiments we had launched have been going and the next steps we will take.
On the one hand, we have finished (at least temporarily) the optimization of our model. As we had already told you, with the results that you have sent us, we managed to greatly improve how our model represented different physiological markers, but a problem that we thought we had solved had reappeared. We have tried different options but it reappeared in all of them. That forces us to stop and take steps back in the definition of the model, so, for the moment, we will not be launching new simulations in NHuVe.
On the other hand, as we had told you, we are trying to use our optimization algorithm in another existing model. The results seem to be very good, but we have to work in parallel on their validation.
In the coming weeks we will be working on requesting funding from the Government of Aragon for a new research project that will use DENIS as a computing platform, so you may have noticed that our activity has decreased a little. If this goes well (hopefully!) we will keep you informed, but keep in mind that these things are slow so the answer will take months to arrive.
Thank you all very much for staying there and for your support.
Estimados voluntarios:
Os escribo para actualizar cómo han ido yendo los diferentes experimentos que teníamos lanzados y los próximos pasos que seguiremos.
Por un lado, hemos terminado (al menos temporalmente) la optimización de nuestro modelo. Como ya os habíamos comentado, con los resultados que nos habéis ido mandando conseguíamos mejorar mucho cómo nuestro modelo representaba diferentes marcadores fisiológicos pero había reaparecido un problema que creíamos haber solucionado. Hemos probado diversas opciones pero en todas ellas reaparecía. Eso nos obliga a parar y dar pasos atrás en la definición del modelo, por lo que, por el momento, no estaremos lanzando nuevas simulaciones en NHuVe.
Por otro lado, como os habíamos adelantado, estamos probando a utilizar nuestro algoritmo de optimización en otro modelo ya existente. Los resultados parecen ser muy buenos, pero tenemos que ir trabajando en paralelo en la validación de los mismos.
En las próximas semanas estaremos trabajando en pedir financiación al Gobierno de Aragón para un nuevo proyecto de investigación que utilizará DENIS como plataforma de cómputo por lo que habréis notado que ha bajado un poco nuestra actividad. Si esto saliera bien (¡ojalá!) os mantendremos informados, pero contad que estas cosas son lentas así que la respuesta tardará meses en llegar.
Muchas gracias a todos por seguir ahí y por vuestro apoyo.
12 Jan 2024, 10:00:08 UTC
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University network maintenance // Mantenimiento en la red de la universidad
Dear volunteers,
The IT department has notified us that tomorrow, starting at 3:00 p.m. (CEST), maintenance work will be carried out on the university network. It is possible that from that moment on there will be problems accessing DENIS.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Estimados voluntarios:
El departamento de Sistemas de Información nos ha avisado de que mañana, a partir de las 15:00 (CEST), se realizarán trabajos de mantenimiento en la red de la universidad. Es posible que a partir de ese momento haya problemas de acceso a denis.
Disculpad las molestias que pueda genera.
Un saludo,
30 Aug 2023, 18:15:53 UTC
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Reduction in the number of tasks during the month of August // Reducción en el número de tareas durante el mes de agosto
Dear volunteers,
We are approaching the month of August in which the university rests for vacations. While we may not stop completely, the number of tasks available this month will be fewer. Our attention to the state of the server will be reduced, so we do not want to take the risk of saturating it.
Between the 20th to 28th the stop of new tasks will be total, resuming normal activity from the 29th or 30th.
I take this opportunity to tell you that the different variations of the optimization are continuing, in some cases it seems that we could obtain better results, but we are going to be cautious, when they are finished we will inform you of the final result.
Good summer everyone.
All the best,
Estimados voluntarios,
Nos acercamos al mes de agosto en el que en la universidad descansamos por vacaciones. Si bien es posible que no nos detengamos del todo, el número de tareas disponibles en este mes será menor. Nuestra atención al estado del servidor se verá reducida por lo que no queremos asumir el riesgo de saturarlo.
Entre los días 20 a al 28 la parada de nuevas tareas será total, retomandose a partir del día 29 o 30 la actividad normal.
Aprovecho para indicaros que las diferentes variaciones de la optimización siguen su curso, en algunos de los casos parece que podemos obtener mejores resultados, pero vamos a ser cautos, cuando hayan concluido os informaremos del resultado final.
Buen verano a todos.
Un saludo,
28 Jul 2023, 7:57:13 UTC
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Results and new simulations // Resultados y nuevas simulaciones
Dear volunteers,
I am writing to update you on how the project is going and the results we are obtaining.
First of all, the optimization of the new model we are developing has already finished (the first one we released). Unfortunately the results have not been as expected. The optimization has worked very well and many markers have been improved, but one of the model issues that we are trying to fix has reappeared after the optimization. We think we understand where the problem is coming from and why it seemed like we fixed it, but really didn't. If we are right, this will require rethinking the model and starting over. Before starting again, we are testing various optimization settings to try to optimize the model without getting to the point where the problem reappears. We're not sure if it will work (this is science), but before we have to start over, we want to test this option.
On the other hand, some of you have already noticed that we are launching work in the Beta version. One of our pending projects was to use DENIS not only to improve the model we were developing, but also to try to improve other existing models. Let's start with this part of the project. For now, we will use the O'Hara and Rudy model, one of the most used in research. We have released the simulations in Beta version because we have never tested this model in DENIS before, but they will soon be released in HuVeMOp.
Finally, you may have noticed that we have run out of space a couple of times lately: the increase in the number of simulations requires more speed to get the results out and post-process them. We are working on further automating these processes in order to continue growing.
Thank you all very much for your support of the project and we will keep you informed of new developments.
Estimados voluntarios:
Os escribo para actualizaros cómo va el proyecto y los resultados que estamos obteniendo.
En primer lugar, la optimización del nuevo modelo que estamos desarrollando ya ha terminado (la primera que lanzamos). Lamentablemente los resultados no han sido como esperábamos. La optimización ha funcionado muy bien y se han mejorado muchos marcadores, pero uno de los problemas del modelo que estabamos intentando solucionar, ha reaparecido tras la optimización. Creemos entender de dónde viene el problema y por qué parecía que lo habíamos solucionado, pero realmente no lo habíamos hecho. Si estamos en lo cierto, esto requerirá replantear el modelo y comenzar de nuevo. Antes de recomenzar de nuevo, estamos probando varias configuraciones de la optimización para intentar optimizar el modelo sin llegar al punto en el que reaparece el problema. No estamos seguros de si funcionará (esto es ciencia), pero antes de tener que volver a empezar, queremos probar esta opción.
Por otro lado, algunos ya habéis notado que estamos lanzando trabajo en la versión Beta. Uno de nuestros proyectos pendientes, era utilizar DENIS no solo para mejorar el modelo que estabamos desarrollando, sino para intentar mejorar otros modelos ya existentes. Vamos a arrancar con esta parte del proyecto. De momento lo haremos con el modelo de O'Hara y Rudy, uno de los más utilizados en investigación. Hemos lanzado las simulaciones en la versión Beta porque nunca habíamos probado este modelo en DENIS, pero en breve pasarán a lanzarse en HuVeMOp.
Finalmente, habréis notado que nos hemos quedado un par de veces sin espacio últimamente: el aumento en el número de simulaciones requiere mayor rapidez a la hora de sacar los resultados y post procesarlos. Estamos trabajando en automatizar más estos procesos para poder seguir creciendo.
Muchas gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo al proyecto y os mantenemos informados de los nuevos avances.
20 Jun 2023, 9:26:36 UTC
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Status of the project // Estado del proyecto
Dear volunteers,
We update you on the status of the project and how the simulations are going. In recent weeks the search algorithm has been improving the model very little. This indicates us that the optimization is close to be finished. Once this is complete we will pass to the validation phase which we will be done outside of DENIS (DENIS is not yet prepare for the required simulations).
The improvement obtained is very considerable (you can see the graph with the evolution of the error below and we hope that the validation results turn out well). It can be improved, but not all the error can be removed with the optimization (it requires other type of improvements in the model).
On the other hand, looking at the results, last week we started a new optimization by changing an aspect of it. In the initial search, if one of the markers was in the experimentally observed range, we did not allow the algorithm to search where that marker was outside of the experimental range (criterion of keeping at least those markers that were already in the experimental range). In the new search we are allowing it in the hope that even if some marker goes out, the overall behavior will improve. In this case, the uncertainty about the result is higher, but as you can see in the graph below, after the first iterations of the algorithm, the results are quite promising.
Estimados voluntarios:
Os actualizamos el estado del proyecto y cómo van las simulaciones. En las últimas semanas el algoritmo de búsqueda ha ido mejorando muy poco el modelo. Esto nos indica que está a punto de terminarse la optimización. Una vez que esto se complete, pasaremos a una fase de validación de la simulación que haremos fuera de DENIS (DENIS no está preparado para ello).
La mejoría obtenida es muy considerable y esperamos que los resultados de la validación salgan bien (podéis ver la gráfica con la evolución del error debajo). Todavía hay margen de mejora, pero no todo el error se puede eliminar en la optimización (requiere otro tipo de mejoras en el modelo).
Por otro lado, viendo los resultados, la semana pasada comenzamos una nueva optimización cambiando un aspecto de la misma. En la búsqueda inicial, si uno de los marcadores estaba en el rango observado experimentalmente, no permitíamos al algoritmo buscar donde ese marcador saliera del rango experimental (criterio de mantener en rango experimental al menos los que ya estaban). En la nueva búsqueda estamos permitiéndolo con la esperanza de que aunque algún marcador salga fuera, el comportamiento global mejore. En este caso la incertidumbre sobre el resultado es algo mayor, pero como podéis ver en la gráfica de debajo, tras las primeras iteraciones del algoritmo, los resultados son bastante prometedores.
11 Apr 2023, 10:01:15 UTC
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Update of the results of the last 15 days // Actualización de los resultados de estos últimos 15 días
Dear volunteers,
Allow me a brief message to update you on how the results are going after 15 more days of simulation.
5 iterations of the algorithm have already been completed. Of the 100 markers that we are using, 89 have already been achieved in the normal range (initially only 77 were). On the other hand, the distance between the average experimental behavior and the model has been reduced by 56.84%.
Several parameters of the algorithm indicate that there is still room for improvement.
We will keep you informed.
All the best,
Estimados voluntarios:
Permitidme un breve mensaje para actualizaros cómo van los resultados después de 15 días más de simulación.
Se han completado ya 5 iteraciones del algoritmo. De los 100 marcadores que estamos utilizando, ya se ha conseguido que 89 estén en rango normal (inicialmente solo lo estaban 77). Por otro lado, la distancia entre el comportamiento medio experimental y el modelo se ha reducido un 56.84%.
Varios parámetros del algoritmo nos indican que sigue habiendo margen de mejora.
Os mantendremos informados.
Un saludo,
8 Mar 2023, 10:29:52 UTC
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DENIS merchandising on the BOINC web store // Merchandising de DENIS en la tienda web de BOINC
Dear volunteers,
The Science Commons Initiative has created a store to sell merchandising from BOINC projects to help fund the development of BOINC and the projects as well.
We have given them permission so you can find products with the DENIS logo. 50% of the profits on these products will go to develop BOINC and the other 50% will be donated to support DENIS.
You can see them at
However, if you have any questions about the products or anything related to the store, you can contact them. We are only responsible for having given permission to use the logo.
All the best,
Estimados voluntarios:
La Science Commons Initiative ha creado una tienda para vender merchandising de proyectos BOINC para ayudar a financiar el desarrollo de BOINC y también a los proyectos.
Les hemos dado permiso así que podréis encontrar productos con el logo de DENIS. El 50% de los beneficios en estos productos irán para desarrollar BOINC y el otro 50% lo donarán para apoyar a DENIS.
Podéis verlos en
No obstante, cualquier duda con los productos o cualquier cosa relacionada con la tienda, podéis poneros en contacto con ellos. Nosotros solo somos responsables de haber dado permiso para utilizar el logo.
Un saludo,
23 Feb 2023, 10:14:18 UTC
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Results of the first iteration of the algorithm // Resultados de la primera iteración del algoritmo
Dear volunteers,
We have good news! After processing the results of the first iteration, we have found a combination of model parameters that improves the behavior of the model compared to the initial one. In the original version, of the 100 markers that we are using, 77 were in the experimental range: now there are 80. On the other hand, the distance between the model and the average experimental behavior has been reduced by almost 30%.
The values of several of the parameters that have been modified are in the limit of the area that we had used in the first iteration, so the search area has been expanded (this is parameterized in the algorithm).
The tasks of the second iteration are already being sent. We will continue to inform you of how the results are going.
Thank you very much to all!
Estimados voluntarios:
¡Tenemos buenas noticias! Después de procesar los resultados de la primera iteración hemos encontrado una combinación de parámetros del modelo que mejora el comportamiento respecto del inicial que teníamos. En la versión original, de los 100 marcadores que estamos utilizando, 77 estaban en rango experimental: ahora ya están 80. Por otro lado, la distancia entre el modelo y el comportamiento medio experimental se ha reducido casi en un 30%.
Los valores de varios de los parámetros que se han modificado estan en el límite de la zona que habíamos utilizado en la primera iteracción, así que se ha ampliado la zona de búsqueda (esto está parametrizado en el algoritmos).
Ya están enviándose las tareas de la segunda iteracción. Os seguiremos informando de cómo van los resultados.
¡Muchas gracias a todos!
Un saludo,
22 Feb 2023, 15:09:11 UTC
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Results of the last simulations and next steps // Resultados de las últimas simulaciones y siguientes pasos
Dear volunteers,
I have both good and bad news to share with you regarding our recent progress. First, the good news: thanks to the results you've sent in, we have been able to identify the problem with the marker and gain a better understanding of what was happening. Additionally, it turns out that we won't need to increase the number of simulations per iteration, which is good news (for us).
However, there is also some bad news to report. We've discovered that the behavior of the model with this marker is highly non-linear, which means that it cannot be effectively addressed within the framework of our current approximation. While this could be disappointing, we can assume this limitation in the model, as it was measured experimentally under unrealistic conditions.
Once we've fine-tuned the model, we will determine whether this non-linear behavior persists, or whether it disappears with the changes we've made. If the issue does persist, we'll need to address it in the next phase of our work, which means there may be more work to come for some of you. We'll keep you updated on our progress.
We're grateful for your continued efforts and support.
Best regards,
Estimados voluntarios:
Tengo noticias buenas y malas que compartir con vosotros sobre nuestro progreso reciente. Primero, las buenas noticias: gracias a los resultados que habéis enviado, hemos logrado identificar el problema con el marcador y obtener una mejor comprensión de lo que estaba sucediendo. Además, resulta que no necesitaremos aumentar el número de simulaciones por iteración, lo cual es una buena noticia (para nosotros).
Sin embargo, también hay malas noticias que reportar. Hemos descubierto que el comportamiento del modelo con este marcador es altamente no lineal, lo que significa que no puede ser abordado de manera efectiva dentro del marco de nuestra aproximación actual. Si bien esto puede ser decepcionante, podemos asumir esta limitación en el modelo, ya que se midió experimentalmente en condiciones poco realistas.
Una vez que hayamos ajustado el modelo, determinaremos si este comportamiento no lineal persiste o si desaparece con los cambios que hemos realizado. Si el problema persiste, tendremos que abordarlo en la siguiente fase de nuestro trabajo, lo que significa que puede haber más trabajo por hacer para algunos de ustedes. Os mantendremos informados sobre nuestro progreso
Muchas gracias por vuestro esfuerzo y apoyo continuo.
17 Feb 2023, 15:04:41 UTC
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New simulations // Nuevas simulaciones
Dear volunteers:
As we had indicated in previous messages, we had to stop fitting the model because there was an experiment that we could not fit well. After analyzing our results, we believe that one of the limiting factors could be in the number of simulations we do to fit the behavior of the model in the experiment. Therefore, before continuing with the model fit, we are going to do a new test to study this in detail. We just put in new simulations to help us analyze this experiment to see if we can improve the model and its fit.
Thank you for your patience during this break. After analyzing the results of this experiment we hope to be able to resume the simulations.
Estimados voluntarios:
Tal y como os habíamos indicado en mensajes anteriores, habíamos tenido que parar el ajuste del modelo porque había un experimento que no conseguíamos ajustar bien. Después de analizar nuestros resultados, creemos que uno de los factores limitantes podría estar en el número de simulaciones que hacemos para ajustar el comportamiento del modelo en el experimento. Por ello, antes de continuar con el ajuste del modelo vamos a hacer una nueva prueba para estudiar esto en detalle. Acabamos de poner nuevas simulaciones que nos ayuden a analizar este experimento para ver si podemos mejorar el modelo y su ajuste.
Gracias por la paciencia en este parón. Después de analizar los resultados de este experimento esperamos poder retomar las simulaciones.
Un saludo,
17 Jan 2023, 10:56:05 UTC
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The pause of tasks will continue until January // La parada de tareas se mantendrá hasta enero
Dear volunteers,
Due to work overload in other projects we will not be able to restart sending tasks until January. Sorry that this break is taking longer than expected, we want to get back as soon as possible.
All the best,
Estimados voluntarios:
Debido a sobrecarga de trabajo en otros proyectos no vamos a poder relanzar el envío de tareas hasta enero. Disculpad que esta pausa esté siendo más larga de lo esperada, queremos volver cuanto antes.
Un saludo,
25 Nov 2022, 9:04:10 UTC
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Temporary stop of tasks // Parada temporal de las tareas
Hello everyone:
First of all, excuse these days without notices from us, but the start of the course has required more time than we expected and we have not been able to be as active as we would like in the project.
We update you on how the optimization of the model is going: after 3 iterations of the algorithm, the model is gradually improving, but one of the markers is greatly limiting the improvement. We full understand why this is happening, so we need to stop and analyze it in detail before continuing.
Thanks to all the simulations you have done we have a wide variety of situations to study and we hope to resume the simulations shortly (ideally 1 week, but it is easy for it to be two).
On the other hand, the applications that we had in Beta mode have already been sufficiently analyzed to be considered stable, and until we modify the application again, the beta tasks will be stopped.
Thank you very much and we will keep you informed shortly.
All the best,
Hola a todos:
En primer lugar, disculpad estos días de parón sin notificar, pero el arranque de curso nos ha requerido más tiempo del que esperábamos y no hemos podido estar todo lo activos que querríamos en el proyecto.
Os ponemos al día de cómo va la optimización del modelo: tras 3 iteraciones del algoritmo, el modelo va poco a poco mejorando, pero uno de los marcadores está limitando muchísimo la mejoría. No tenemos del todo claro por qué está sucediendo, pero necesitamos para y analizarlo en detalle antes de continuar.
Gracias a todas las simulaciones que habéis hecho hasta el momento tenemos gran variedad de situaciones para estudiar y esperamos reanudar las simulaciones en breve (idealmente 1 semana, pero es fácil que sean dos).
Por otro lado, las aplicaciones que teníamos en modo Beta están ya suficientemente analizadas como para considerarlas estables, y hasta que no modifiquemos de nuevo la aplicación, las tareas beta estarán paradas.
Muchas gracias y seguiremos informando en breve.
Un saludo,
26 Sep 2022, 4:49:42 UTC
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Review of the electrical installation of the University // Revisión de la instalación eléctrica de la Universidad
Due to a review of the electrical installation of the University, DENIS@home could be temporarily out of service today between 15:00 and 20:00 CEST.
Sorry for any inconvenience it may cause.
Debido a una revisión de la instalación eléctrica de la Universidad, DENIS@home podría estar temporalmente fuera de servicio hoy entre las 15:00 y las 20:00 CEST.
Disculpad los inconvenientes que pueda causar.
25 Aug 2022, 10:56:02 UTC
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Status of the proyect // Estado del proyecto
I am writing this post to summarize a little the news that we have had over the last month. As we have already commented on the forums, we detected a problem with the checkpoint files that caused many windows tasks to end with an invalid result. After several tests and several attempts we have managed to detect where the problem was and solve it. Due to this, we have implemented some of the improvements that we had planned for the checkpoint file. We have made it more robust. We have kept it as beta for quite a few days and it seems that the problem is fixed. We will continue to analyze how the program works, but the percentage of errors that we receive is more than reasonable in a project of these characteristics.
A special thanks to all of you who have been giving us feedback and helping us find the problem.
Today we have re-launched simulations in the NHuVe project. These tasks are no longer beta. We will inform you of the status of that project as we receive results. In the coming weeks we also plan to add tasks to the HuVeMOp project. With both projects working we hope to have a fairly stable flow of tasks.
On the other hand, we have been working on expanding the number of platforms and we have added in beta mode an application for ARM64 on linux (e.g. RaspberryPi), and ARM for Apple (for new Apple chips). We want to see how well they work. If all goes well, in the short term we could also consider expanding to Android.
All the best,
Os escribo este post para resumir un poco las novedades que hemos tenido a lo largo del último mes. Como ya hemos comentado por los foros, detectamos un problema con los ficheros de checkpoint que hacía que muchas tareas de windows terminaran con un resultado invalido. Después de varias pruebas y varios intentos hemos conseguido detectar dónde estaba el problema y solucionarlo. Debido a esto, hemos adelantado algunas de las mejoras que teníamos pensadas para el fichero de checkpoint y hemos aprovechado para hacerlo más robusto. Hemos mantenido la versión beta durante bastantes días y parece que el problema está solucionado. Seguiremos analizando cómo funciona el programa, pero el porcentaje de errores que recibimos es más que razonable en un proyecto de estas características.
Un agradecimiento especial a todos aquellos que nos habéis estado dando feedback y ayudando en la búsqueda del problema.
Gracias a esto, hoy hemos vuelto a lanzar simulaciones en el proyecto NHuVe. Estas tareas ya no son beta. Os iremos informando del estado de ese proyecto según vayamos recibiendo resultados. En las próximas semanas planeamos también añadir tareas al proyecto HuVeMOp. Con ambos proyectos en marcha esperamos tener un flujo bastante estable de tareas.
Por otro lado, hemos estado trabajando en ampliar el número de plataformas del proyecto y vamos a poner en modo beta una aplicación para ARM64 sobre linux (e.g. RaspberryPi), y ARM para Apple (para los nuevos chips de Apple). Queremos ver qué tal funcionan. Si todo va bien, en un corto plazo nos podríamos plantear también ampliar a Android.
Un saludo,
17 Aug 2022, 7:05:06 UTC
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Today is the day // Hoy es el día
The tasks are coming!
We have finished the work on time and now you visit the new version of the website. We will be updating and adding things.
Today we are also testing a newsletter. You are many people, so it still takes a while to reach you (more than 3000 e-mails sent now).
We are going to go little by little to verify that everything works correctly and to avoid saturating the server.
Thank you so much!
¡Las tareas están llegando!
Hemos terminado los trabajos a tiempo y ya tenéis la nueva versión de la web. Iremos actualizando y añadiendo cosas.
Hoy también estamos probando una newsletter. Sois muchos, así que igual tarda un poco en llegaros (ya hemos enviado más de 3000 e-mails).
Vamos a ir poco a poco para comprobar que todo funciona correctamente y para evitar saturar el servidor.
¡Muchísimas gracias a todos!
Un saludo,
7 Jul 2022, 7:48:35 UTC
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Official relaunch of the project // Relanzamiento oficial del proyecto
Dear users,
With a little delay compared to our original idea, next Thursday, July 7th, we will relaunch the DENIS project.
Over the next few days we will be updating the website and some features, so it is possible that some things may temporarily malfunction. When all the modifications have been completed we will notify you. If you see a bug before that warning, don't worry about what might go wrong.
However, if something generates doubts, you can ask us in the forums.
Thank you all for your patience.
All the best,
Estimados usuarios:
Con un poco de retraso respecto a nuestra idea original, el próximo jueves 7 de julio, relanzaremos el proyecto DENIS.
Durante los próximos días iremos actualizando la web y algunas funcionalidades por lo que es posible que algunas cosas funcionen mal temporalmente. Cuando todas las modificaciones se hayan completado os avisaremos. Si veis algún fallo antes de ese aviso, no os preocupéis por lo que pueda funcionar mal.
No obstante, si algo os genera dudas, podéis preguntarnos en los foros.
Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra paciencia.
Un saludo,
28 Jun 2022, 16:34:32 UTC
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Results of the second phase of application testing // Resultados de la segunda fase de pruebas de la aplicación
Dear volunteers,
After this second phase of testing and with version 7, the results are as expected. We want to review some small detail in case we can reduce the number of errors that occur in clients. Currently they are in less than 0.5% of the cases and we believe that it is mostly due to situations in the client, but if we see options for improvement, we will do it.
With these results, we are ready to move on to the next phase, so we will be working on it for two or three weeks. We are preparing the experiment and working on a new version of the website, simpler but with more information about the experiments that we are going to start launching.
Our intention is to set an "official" relaunch date with the new experiment, so we will let you know in the coming weeks what day it will be.
Thank you very much to everyone in this beta phase, we will keep you informed as soon as possible.
All the best,
Estimados voluntarios:
Después de esta segunda fase de pruebas y con la versión 7, los resultados son los esperados. Queremos revisar algún pequeño detalle por si podemos reducir el número de errores que se producen en los clientes. Actualmente son en menos del 0.5% de los casos y creemos que mayoritariamente debido a situaciones en el cliente, pero si vemos margen de mejora, lo haremos.
Con estos resultados, estamos ya en disposición de pasar a la siguiente fase, así que estaremos dos o tres semanas trabajando en ello. Estamos preparando el nuevo experimento y trabajando en una nueva versión de la página web, más simple pero con más información sobre los experimentos que vamos a empezar a lanzar.
Nuestra intención es fijar una fecha "oficial" de relanzamiento con el nuevo experimento, por lo que os avisaremos en las próximas semanas de qué día será.
Muchas gracias a todos en esta fase beta, os mantenemos informados lo antes posible.
Un saludo,
16 May 2022, 15:54:58 UTC
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Second phase of application testing // Segunda fase de pruebas de la aplicación
Dear all,
After the second batch of simulations the result were similar: 99.5% of the simulations endend satisfactorily; 0.5% returned apparently normal but with invalid values. These results are stable enough to be able to perform a larger test. We actually need it to know if this small percentage of errors is due to something in the code or something in the clients. Currently the number of users returning invalid results is so low that it is hard for us to figure out what the difference might be.
So, we have decided to continue to the second phase with a bigger test with 45000 working units. They are already going up. We hope they don't last long on the server!
If everything goes well in this second phase, we will probably consider the beta version stable and we will start launching the projects that we have prepared.
Thank you in advance. We will keep you update of the results.
Estimados usuarios:
Tras la segunda tanda de simulaciones el resultado ha sido similar: el 99,5% de las simulaciones finalizan satisfactoriamente; el 0,5 % arrojó resultados aparentemente normales pero con valores inválidos. Estos resultados son lo suficientemente estables como para poder realizar una prueba más grande. De hecho, la necesitamos para saber si este pequeño porcentaje de errores se debe a algo en el código o a algo en los clientes. Actualmente, la cantidad de usuarios que devuelven resultados no válidos es tan baja que nos resulta difícil determinar cuál podría ser la diferencia.
Por tanto, hemos decidido continuar con la segunda fase con una prueba más grande con 45000 unidades de trabajo. Ya están subiendo. ¡Esperamos que no duren mucho en el servidor!
Si todo va bien en esta segunda fase, probablemente daremos por estable la versión beta y empezaremos a lanzar los proyectos que tenemos preparados.
Gracias de antemano. Los mantendremos informados de los resultados.
Un saludo,
22 Apr 2022, 15:07:27 UTC
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Results of the first batch of simulations // Resultados de la primera tanda de simulaciones
Dear volunteers,
We are analyzing the first batch of simulations and so far the results are quite satisfactory. 98.35% of the tasks launched once the problems with the validator were solved, run without problems and their results were valid. 1.12% of them failed to boot into the client (all under the same user and host). 0.53% were tasks that were executed satisfactorily but whose results were not validated when comparing whit the results of the other volunteers. We are studying what could have happened in these tasks so that the result did not coincide with those of the other. As soon as everything is checked, we will repeat the test and if everything goes well, we will move on to a larger test.
Thank you very much to all, we keep you informed of the progress.
Estimados voluntarios,
Estamos analizando la primera tanda de simulaciones y, hasta ahora, los resultados son bastante satisfactorios. De las tareas lanzadas una vez solucionados los problemas con el validador, el 98.35% de las tareas lo hicieron sin problemas y sus resultados fueron válidos. El 1.12% de las dieron error al arrancar en el cliente (todas en el mismo usuario). El 0.53% fueron tareas que se ejecutaron satisfactoriamente pero cuyos resultados no fueron validados al comparar. Estamos estudiando qué ha podido pasar en esas tareas para que el resultado no coincidiera con los de los otros voluntarios. En cuanto todo esté revisado repetiremos la prueba y si todo va bien, pasaremos a una prueba de mayor tamaño.
Muchas gracias a todos, os mantenemos informados de los progresos.
Un saludo,
6 Apr 2022, 14:42:56 UTC
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Data protection // Protección de datos
Dear users,
With the update of the boinc version and the relaunch of the project, there was an important change that we had forgotten to mention. Since the last time the project was in operation, the data protection regulation and also our perception of it has changed. Due to this, with the new version of BOINC we have taken the opportunity to give you the greatest possible control over your data and what can and cannot be done with it. That is why, by default, we do not assume any permission to export your data and make it available to statistical websites.
If you want your data to be available, you must explicitly indicate it at: (you can access this web from your profile). has indicated to us that they are waiting to update the statistics so that more users can accept the export. Otherwise, the statistics of those who have not accepted it will be deleted.
Continuing with this topic of data protection, we wanted to inform you that, for the relaunch of the project, this project has been presented and approved by the ethics committee of the San Jorge University as it is a project in which personal data could be processed.
We hope that this new operation does not cause you any inconvenience, but transparency is very important to us and you must have control over the handling of your data.
Estimados usuarios:
Con la actualización de la nueva versión de boinc y el relanzamiento del proyecto, había un cambio importante que se nos había olvidado comentar. Desde la última vez que el proyecto estuvo en funcionamiento, la normativa de protección de datos y también nuestra percepción de la misma ha cambiado. Es por ello que con la nueva versión de BOINC hemos aprovechado para daros el mayor control posible sobre vuestros datos y sobre lo que se puede y no se puede hacer con ellos. Es por ello, que por defecto no asumimos ningún permiso para exportar vuestros datos y que estén disponibles para webs de estadísticas.
Si queréis que vuestros datos estén disponibles, debéis indicarlo explícitamente en: (podéis acceder desde vuestro perfil).
Desde nos han indicado que están esperando a actualizar las estadísticas para que más usuarios puedan aceptar la exportación. En caso contrario se borrarán las estadísticas de quienes no lo hayan aceptado.
Continuando con este tema de protección de datos, queríamos haceros partícipes de que, para el relanzamiento del proyecto, este proyecto ha sido presentado y aprobado ante el comité de ética de la Universidad San Jorge por tratarse de un proyecto en el que se pueden tratar datos personales de los voluntarios.
Esperamos que este nuevo funcionamiento no os genere molestias, pero para nosotros es muy importante la transparencia y que tengáis el control del manejo de vuestros datos.
5 Apr 2022, 13:08:08 UTC
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Problems with the validator solved // Problemas con el validador solucionados
Good afternoon to everyone,
The problem with the validator has already been solved and currently the project is stable and processing the data that is arriving. We will continue to check if there is any other problem with the database, but it seems that the problem that caused the crashes has already been solved.
Soon we will launch another small batch of simulations to evaluate how the program is working. We have detected that in a few cases unexpected results return and we want to analyze well under which situations occur before massively launching the simulations.
Thank you very much to all of you who are testing the beta version, it is very helpful.
All the best,
Buenos tardes a todos:
El problema con el validador ya ha sido solucionado y actualmente el proyecto está estable y procesando los datos que van llegando. Seguiremos atentos por si hubiera algún problema más con la base de datos, pero en principio parece que el problema que generaba que se cayera, ya está solucionado.
En breve lanzaremos otro pequeño lote de simulaciones para ir evaluando cómo está funcionando el programa. Hemos detectado que en unos pocos casos vuelven unos resultados no esperados y queremos analizar bien bajo que situaciones ocurren antes de lanzar masivamente las simulaciones.
Muchas gracias a todos los que estais probando la versión beta, nos es de mucha ayuda.
Un saludo,
29 Mar 2022, 12:16:39 UTC
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Problems with the validator // Problemas con el validador
Dear all,
As some of you may have read on the forum, we were experiencing some issues with the validator on Friday. These problems caused the server to be saturated and the database to crash (hence the access problems). We are analyzing the problems, as soon as they are resolved we will reactivate the processes to receive the tasks you have waiting for and be able to award the scores.
Again, thank you very much for your patience in this restart.
Hola a todos:
Como algunos de vosotros habréis leído en el foro, el viernes estuvimos experimentando algunos problemas con el validador. Estos problemas hacían que se saturara el servidor y se bloqueara la base de datos (de ahí los problemas de acceso). Estamos analizando los problemas, en cuanto estén resueltos volveremos a activar los procesos para recibir las tareas que tenéis esperando y poder otorgar las puntuaciones.
De nuevo, muchas gracias por vuestra paciencia en este re-arranque.
Un saludo,
28 Mar 2022, 7:58:52 UTC
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We are back! // Estamos de vuelta
Dear users:
We're back! Not 100% yet, but we want to start testing the app and fixing any issues that may arise.
We have just released a small batch of tasks to see how it works (almost 1000 simulations). If all goes well, when those will be finished, we will send a package with approximately 40,000 simulations.
We had some problems with the update of the BOINC version so we imagine that we will have to solve small details. We ask for your patience at this re-start.
If the tests go OK, the next step will be to launch a project that we have underway. We are preparing all the information to let you know what we are going to simulate. At the moment, the tasks are control tests.
Thank you all for being there!
All the best,
Estimados usuarios:
¡Estamos de vuelta! Todavía no al 100%, pero queremos empezar a probar la aplicación y a solucionar todos los problemas que puedan surgir.
Acabamos de lanzar un pequeño lote de tareas para ir viendo como funciona (casi 1000 simulaciones). Si todo va bien, cuando esas estén terminadas, mandaremos un paquete con unas 40,000 simulaciones aproximadamente.
Tuvimos algunos problemas con la actualización de la versión de BOINC así que imaginamos que tendremos que ir solucionando pequeños detalles. Os pedimos paciencia en este inicio.
Si las pruebas van Ok, el siguiente paso será lanzar ya un proyecto que tenemos en marcha. Estamos preparando toda la información para que conozcáis qué vamos a simular. De momento, las tareas son pruebas de control.
¡Gracias a todos por seguir ahí!
Un saludo,
24 Mar 2022, 17:34:15 UTC
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Recovering lost credits / Recuperando los créditos perdidos
Dear volunteers,
First of all, I hope that all of you and those close to you are well in this global pandemic.
This week is the anniversary of one of the hardest moments of this project. Three years ago, during a database update, it was corrupted. With this failure we detected that the backup system of the data base was not working as it should and we were only able to restore a 6-months-old backup. All this situation coincided just at the moment in which we stopped having a person dedicated full time to the project, which supposed an added difficulty.
The results sent by the volunteers were saved in another system and only the tasks in progress were affected.
The main loss of information was the credits obtained by the different volunteers. At that time we were able to recover a large part of them, but all the accounts created between January and June were lost.
Your support and understanding during those days was enormous. However, as I told you at the time, being able to return the credits to you was an important issue: it is the only way we have to thank you for all the support for the project.
Since then, several of you have asked me if we could recover the credits from those accounts, and I didn't want to let it go any further. It was not an easy job because we had the credit information but not a system to connect them with the new accounts you were creating. Thanks to the existence of and the BOINC cross project identifier, part of you will be able to recover your credits. I have been able to find almost 300 of those accounts on, and in the next few days, through, I will send you a link to recover lost credits. You will receive a personalized URL that will add the lost credit to your user and will correct the date since you are collaborating with us. I will send the messages in several days so that does not exceed the limit of messages it can send. I want to publicly thank Will for allowing me to use his platform for all this messages. I will notify you when all are sent.
If you don't have an account on Boincstats, you can create it and associate it with the BOINC projects you collaborate on. I will periodically search for new users to whom we can return credits.
If you have any idea to associate your old accounts with the current ones, do not hesitate to contact me, we will find how to prepare it.
This is the first step to gradually start up this project again. You are an incredible community that we do not want to miss. Unfortunately, we cant afford to hire someone full time for the project so we will go very slowly. We have tried several times to obtain founds for the project and we have had good evaluations, but not enough to get them. We will continue working on it, but until we get it, we will go slowly.
Thank you very much, you have me at your disposal and I hope that, little by little, you will be receiving more messages from me.
Estimados voluntarios:
Lo primero de todo espero que todos vosotros y vuestras personas cercanas estéis bien en esta pandemia mundial.
Esta semana es el aniversario de uno de los momentos más duros de este proyecto. Hace tres años, durante una actualización de la base de datos, ésta se corrompió. Con este fallo nos dimos cuenta de que el sistema de copia de la base de datos no funcionaba como debería y sólo pudimos restablecer una copia con 6 meses de antigüedad. Toda esta situación coincidió justo en el momento en el que dejamos de tener una persona dedicada a tiempo completo al proyecto, lo que supuso una dificultad añadida.
Los resultados calculados por los voluntarios se guardaban en otro sistema y sólo se vieron afectadas las tareas que estaban en marcha.
La principal pérdida de información fueron los créditos obtenidos por los diferentes usuario. En aquel momento pudimos recuperar gran parte de ellos, pero todas las cuentas creadas entre enero y junio se perdieron.
Vuestro apoyo y comprensión durante aquellos días fue enorme. No obstante, como os dije en aquel momento, para mí el poder devolveros los créditos era un tema importante: es la única forma que tenemos de agradeceros todo el apoyo al proyecto.
Sois varios los que desde entonces me habéis preguntado si podríamos recuperar los créditos de esas cuentas, y no quería dejarlo pasar más. No era un trabajo fácil porque teníamos la información de los créditos pero no un sistema para conectarlos con las nuevas cuentas que estabais creando. Gracias a la existencia de y de un identificador de BOINC interproyectos, parte de vosotros podrá recuperar sus créditos. He podido encontrar casi 300 de esas cuentas en, y en los próximos días, a través de, os enviaré un enlace para poder recuperar los créditos perdidos. Recibiréis una URL personalizada que al entrar en ella con vuestro usuario de DENIS, os añadirá el crédito perdido y corregirá la fecha desde la que estáis colaborando con nosotros. Mandaré los mensajes en varios días para que no supere el límite de mensajes que puede enviar. Quiero agradecer públicamente a Will, que me permita utilizar su plataforma para un envío masivo de mensajes. Cuando todos estén enviados os avisaré.
Si no tenéis cuenta en Boincstats, podéis crearla y asociarla a los proyectos en los que colaboréis. Periódicamente buscaré si hay nuevo usuarios a los que podamos devolver los créditos.
Si se os ocurre algún otro sistema para asociar vuestras antiguas cuentas con las actuales, no dudéis en contactarme, buscaré la forma de ponerlo en marcha.
Este es el primer paso para ir poniendo poco a poco en marcha de nuevo este proyecto. Sois una comunidad increíble y no se os puede desaprovechar. Por desgracia, no podemos contar con alguien a tiempo completo por lo que iremos muy despacio. Hemos intentado varias veces obtener financiación para el proyecto y hemos tenido buenas evaluaciones, pero no lo suficiente para llegar a ser financiados. Seguiremos trabajando en ello, pero hasta que lo consigamos, iremos despacio.
Muchas gracias, me tenéis a vuestra disposición y espero que poco a poco vayáis recibiendo más mensajes míos.
Un saludo,
18 Jun 2020, 17:08:50 UTC
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Thanks to beta testers
Dear volunteers,
The role of beta tester is crucial for the development of this project. They compute when errors can easily occur and risking not getting a reward in the form of credits. From today, we want to thank all these volunteers a little more for their work and we want to do it in a public way. We have added a new badge for Beta testers and a new classification with the credit obtained in beta applications ( Now you can identify them easily.
Thank you very much for your commitment to the project.
28 Mar 2018, 13:45:49 UTC
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Problems in the server
Dear volunteers,
We have experienced problems on the server and we had to restore the last backup. Thanks to the new backup system, the loss was only of 18 hours. The last messages in the forums will be missing and may be there will be problems with the tasks of this last day. We hope everything returns to normal as soon as possible.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
23 Mar 2018, 18:31:33 UTC
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Re-starting the project!
Dear all,
Thank you very much everyone for your patient wait. I'm writting to you to give you good news. We sent an small block of tasks to check if all is working well this Friday. Little by little, we will send more task. It seems that everything is working well but we want to go slowly to ensure each step. We have still some things to improve but now we can say that we are back!
Many thank you for your collaboration
19 Mar 2018, 11:11:08 UTC
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Status of the project
Dear volunteers,
First of all, I want to apologize for the long time since the last update of information. As I explained in other thread, we had a database crash. This problem coincided in time with a change of work of Joel, so I was alone to manage the crisis.
Unfortunately, due to other research and teaching commitments, I cannot now devote enough time to the project to be ready and re-generate results. So I had decided to stop it temporarily. I hope to restart the project in January or February. I'll let you know by using this forum and the other official channels of the project.
Finally I want to resume the status of the recovery and the project:
• All the volunteers, hosts and teams created before 2017 have recovered they credit.
• To those ones created after January 2017, if you have computed for the DENIS project in a computer with other BOINC projects, we will be able to recover the credit through the BOINC Cross project ID. You have to add the project to a computer with the other projects and your BOINC Cross project ID will be updated to the oldest one. I’m not sure but I think that the update will take place after computing for the project. Once the project updates your CPID, I will be able to identify you in the stat files to restore your credit. I will analyze it again the next month.
• If you are not in the previous situation, please, contact me if you want to recover your credit and we will try to find any other mechanisms to identify you in the stat files.
• After the recovery, the last version of the app that was compiled and uploaded by Joel is not working. I think that the problem is in the code and not in the DB crash, but I need time to analyze the app, and to learn how the system to compile the apps and to upload them works.
Actually, the major limitation to continue with the project is the time I have available for been developing it. This project is very important for me personally and more after seeing the great welcome you have given and the great support received. Thank you once again for your patience, your support and for been here. I hope I can live up to how much you have given.
Kind regards,
29 Sep 2017, 16:40:47 UTC
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Problems in the server
Dear volunteers,
These days we have been suffering problems in the database due to an update. Many information was corrupted in the process. We have recovery a backup copy but it is a bit old.
We are working to get everything working well as soon as possible.
Please, be patient and thank you in advance.
Best regards.
22 Jun 2017, 15:27:37 UTC
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Big simulation in the "New Carro et al. Human Ventricular Cell Model" subproject
Dear all,
We are going to start a big simulation today. This is the last block of the subpropject entitled "New Carro et al. Human Ventricular Cell Model" ( In this last simulation we use an optimization algorithm to improve the model. We estimate that the algorithm will need around 6 or 7 iterations and in each iteration we will send around 160000 new tasks. All this job will run in the CRN application.
We thank you in advance for all the effort and support you give us and we encourage you to spread this great simulation to add more people.
Thank you so much for everything!
Best regards,
19 May 2017, 14:47:34 UTC
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First Scientific Results of DENIS in the Biophysical Society 61st Annual Meeting
Dear volunteers,
Next week, I will attend the 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society in New Orleans. During the conference I will present a modification of one of the currents of our model (the calcium current). This current was modified to solve some problems of the model. We decided to modify this current thanks to the results obtained in DENIS, so we can say that this is the first scientific result in cardiac electrophysiology obtained thanks to your collaboration. Thank you very much!
You computed the exploratory study to locate the part of the model that was causing the problem. Thanks to your collaboration we were able to find it and propose a solution.
We continue to work to make our heart cell model as realistic as possible, we hope we can continue to give you great news like this in which your effort is rewarded enriching science.
Thank you very much for being by our side and helping us in this and in future works.
7 Feb 2017, 12:40:26 UTC
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Launch of new Application
Hi everyone,
As some of you have noticed, there are new WUs in the system. We are starting with a small peak of work, but the idea is to maintain a continuous flow of new WUs.
This new part of the project is related to a Database of markers of the simulations. We are populating a database with relevant values of the simulations to make to scientist easy the way to make a exploratory study of the model or avoid making all the time the same simulations.
We are working on the interface of this database and how to integrate in our website, also, we are developing a post to explain more this idea of the Database of markers.
Happy New Year!! And Happy Crunching!
4 Jan 2017, 18:03:03 UTC
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Telegram Channel
Dear all,
We have created a Telegram Channel to send you information: If you join this channel you will receive a Telegram message when we post something in the News Forum and when new simulations are uploaded to the CRLP2011EPI application.
We hope you find it useful.
Best regards,
15 Jul 2016, 7:17:15 UTC
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Simulations are back!
Dear all,
We are putting new simulations in DENIS (in the CRLP2011 app). These first simulations will be in small groups and little by little the groups will increase in size.
Thank you for your patient!
Best regards,
8 Jul 2016, 10:43:58 UTC
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CoMetS Track Best Paper Award
Dear all,
This week Joel is attending to the 25th IEEE WETICE Conference in Paris. He has presented a paper about our work in the project and he has been awarded as the best paper of his track (Collaborative Modeling and Simulation).
I want to thank you because much of the credit is yours! This project is a reality because you are supporting us. Thank you very much!
I want publicly to congratulate Joel, the award is a reflection of all the work he is being done on the project. Great job Joel!
Hopefully it will be the first of many good results!
Best regards,
16 Jun 2016, 5:45:25 UTC
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Citizen Science event in Zaragoza
Dear all,
Ibercivis foundation is planning a Citizen Science event on June 30, in Zaragoza (Spain). We are going to be there, and it could be a good meeting to share our experiences. If you are in Zaragoza or close to here, we hope to see you the next month.
As soon as they publish the final program, we will share it with you.
Best regards,
26 May 2016, 12:44:15 UTC
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Paper accepted in the WETICE conference
Dear all,
Great news! A paper about DENIS has been accepted to be presented in the WETICE conference. Joel will be presented this project next June 14 in Paris.
You can find more information about the conference in this link:
4 May 2016, 9:55:14 UTC
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Beta Version of DENIS Simulator (Natrium) now running
The new version of DENIS Simulator is out. We will generate some beta WUs to see if all is correct. To run those WUs, you have to modify your account preferences and check the option of run beta applications.
You can find more information about the new version here:
17 Mar 2016, 16:11:22 UTC
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Delay in the launch of new version
Hi everyone,
It's sad for us to say that we will delay the launch of the new version at least one or two weeks.
Our team is small and health problems have a lot of impact on it. We suppose that in one week we will ready to work at 100%.
We will advice you when the new version will be available.
Best regards, Joel.
9 Dec 2015, 18:36:27 UTC
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New web of the project
Hi everyone!
In the last months we have been working on a new web page of the project and now is on-line. You can see at
We have added more information about the project, the research we are doing and about the members of the team. We will gradually merge this page and the BOINC web page of the project.
We hope that this new web page will increase your knowledge of the project.
Any comment to improve it is welcome.
Thank you!
Best regards,
DENIS@Home staff.
27 Nov 2015, 15:55:19 UTC
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New WUs Generation will be paused
Hi everyone!
We are ready to launch a new version of DENIS application, which will include more than one model, also, it will have new features for scientists like the ability to storage more parameters from the simulation.
We are working also in a new web page with more information about the project and the workunits organization, to do all that things we need to "purge" the system and prepare some scripts that will maintain the server paused this week.
We hope that the new web page and the new version of the app will be running during the next week.
Best regards, DENIS@Home Staff.
24 Nov 2015, 15:13:52 UTC
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DENIS@Home Server is Up again
We have solved the space issue and we restart the server. The server is up and we will send new tasks when we test if everything it's ok.
Best regards from DENIS@Home Staff
1 Sep 2015, 10:28:11 UTC
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DENIS@Home Server Maintenance
Hi everyone,
The server will be down for maintenance during approximately 24 hours. We have suffer some storage problems that we are trying to solve.
Best regards for DENIS@Home Staff.
1 Sep 2015, 8:10:22 UTC
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New communication channels
Dear all,
We have configured two new channels to communicate with you:
- Twitter:
- Facebook:
All the news posted in this forum will be published there automatically. If you prefer to use this channels to communicate with us, we will be also there listening to all of you.
26 Aug 2015, 15:14:13 UTC
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New badges
Dear volunteers,
To thank you for the great effort you are doing and to recognize it, we have created new badges. You'll be awarded with this new badges at some milestones for your total credit.
They are inspired in the idea that our heart beats around 3 billion times during all our live.
The total credit you need to get the new badges is (users/teams):
- Red heart (3.125M/31.5M):
- Bronze heart (6.25M/62.5M):
- Silver heart (12.5M/125M):
- Gold heart (25M/250M):
- Platinum heart (50M/500M):
- Blue Heart Diamond (100M/1B):
We hope you like them.
14 Jul 2015, 23:19:50 UTC
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New BAM! Challenge: B@P POTM DENIS@Home
Dear all,
The BOINC@Poland team has created a new BAM! Challenge: "B@P POTM DENIS@Home".
If you want to join, you can find more info in the boincstats web page:
Thank you to BOINC@Poland and to all the participating teams.
13 Jul 2015, 7:42:09 UTC
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BOINC transitioning to a Community Based Governance...
David Anderson wrote:
BOINC's funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation has ended, at least for the time being.
This funding supported me, Rom Walton, and Charlie Fenton.
We're now working on other things, although we'll stay involved in BOINC at some level.
The BOINC project will continue, and will be run according to a community-based model rather than centrally.
In essence, the people who contribute to BOINC now make the decisions about it.
This model is summarized here:
and described in detail here:
There will probably be little visible change.
The BOINC software will continue to work.
The translation system, Alpha testing project, BOINC web site,message boards, and email lists will continue to operate.
However, any new development and major bug fixes to BOINC will need to be done by volunteer programmers.
I'm confident that the BOINC community will meet the challenge.
I welcome your feedback.
Please post it to, a new email list for discussions about the BOINC project as a whole.
-- David
12 Jul 2015, 20:06:28 UTC
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New v1.05 DENIS Application
Hi everyone!
We have launch recently the new 1.05 version of the CRLP2011EPI app. With this version checkpoint seems to work correctly and coupled with the new validator all the platforms seems to give us equal results.
We encorage to crunchers to switch all to the new version of the app.
Best regards, DENIS Staff
17 Jun 2015, 11:31:12 UTC
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Temporaly stop of new WUs
To fix some issues in old WUs, we are going to stop the generation of new WUs. We will restart the generation soon.
Thanks for your patience, DENIS Staff
15 Jun 2015, 20:21:42 UTC
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New v1.04 DENIS Application
Hi everyone!
We have compiled for all the platforms a new version of the app. It should solve the problems of checkpointing of Windowsx86 versions and will be correct validated with the new validator that we are going to run.
We hope you enjoy the new version!
3 Jun 2015, 17:38:24 UTC
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#BugFixing Version v1.03
We detected some issues about checkpointing on Windows version of the new app. We hope the problems would be fixed with this new version of the app.
Best Regards, DENIS Staff.
21 May 2015, 22:34:11 UTC
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Longer WUs
Hi everyone!
After test that new versions are stable, today we launch a new set of WUs. Those are simulations of a heart cell during 1000 seconds. That will cost for you 3 times longer than the WUs that exists before ( simulations of 300 seconds)
We hope your machines enjoy the new food! :)
21 May 2015, 11:22:17 UTC
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Version 1.02 and MAC OS Support
We are proud to announce the new version of our app. This new version could handle big operation because now it have checkpointing support. We have also generate a new version for MAC OS X system, so all the people that have a MAC computer could add to our project now.
We hope that you enjoy this news, Regards, DENIS Staff
20 May 2015, 10:23:01 UTC
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The server is up and running at 100%
Hi everyone!
Our server is now running again with all the services, more secure and with backup possibility.
The Work Generator fails during the maintenance but now is running at 100%.
Thanks for your patience.
13 May 2015, 8:15:12 UTC
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DataBase Maintenance
Hi everyone,
Today we will change some parameters of our database and managing the backup of it. This may cause a decrease in the performance of the server during few hours. We hope that this operations doesn't affect at the normal server functionality but some restarts could be needed.
Thanks for you patience, DENIS Staff.
12 May 2015, 10:00:44 UTC
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Certificate of computation
Hi everyone!
We have created a new certificate of computation to thank you for your participation in this project.
This is a small detail compared to your welcome, but we want to have this detail with you. We hope you enjoy it.
29 Apr 2015, 7:52:42 UTC
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Email service Enabled
Hi everyone!
Since the start of the project we have had problems with email service. Today we think that all the problems have been solved. We have 2 email accounts: and
We hope you enjoy the improvements and if some problem appear we are here ready to solve it!
Best regards, DENIS Staff
14 Apr 2015, 17:01:05 UTC
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New group of task is coming
First of all, Thank you for this warm welcome to all the users, it's great to work with enthusiastic people as you.
And second one, as some of you suggested, we have generate a group of tasks that have a bigger deadline.
In the first part of our project, we will be working on make our task launching system more precise, and optimize it for us and for the users. This is why we are going to send a lot of different groups of tasks with different execution parameters.
We hope you enjoy participating in our project!
9 Apr 2015, 14:02:10 UTC
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Starting a great adventure
DENIS is a new project that join cardiac electrophysiology and volunteer computation. We are a small team that arrive in the world of BOINC. We will be happy if you come with us to enjoy this adventure.
We hope you find interesting our work, DENIS TEAM.
20 Mar 2015, 16:53:05 UTC
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