Posts by McShane of TSBT

1) Message boards : Cafe : Australian Boinc Team (Message 2181)
Posted 16 Sep 2023 by McShane of TSBT
Please onsider joining Australian Boinc Team. We are Universal as Boinc is Universal. We wellcome all Nationalities, Creed or color. Come join us and become an honorary Aussie. The Admin of this project, Cruncher Pete is number 9 in the world listing and seek more members to show that we care about BOINC.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Team Creation (Message 1429)
Posted 10 Apr 2018 by McShane of TSBT
How do I create a New Team that I have already created as a Boinc Wide Team.?
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Stats Update/Exporting (Message 478)
Posted 17 Sep 2015 by McShane of TSBT
Thanks Joel and Bryan. The stats are fine now.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Stats Update/Exporting (Message 473)
Posted 16 Sep 2015 by McShane of TSBT
Could you please check your stats update/export status. According to Free-DC Stats they have not received stats update for over 38 hours. Most projects have been exporting stats every hour or so. Your Server states Validator and Xls_assimilator is not running.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : failed downloads (Message 78)
Posted 9 Apr 2015 by McShane of TSBT
confirming that I have the same download error problem. Now all my machines are out of work due to download errors.
6) Message boards : News : Starting a great adventure (Message 25)
Posted 8 Apr 2015 by McShane of TSBT
Thank you for giving me a project that is dear to my heart for I have been suffering from AF for some time. As I am authorized to do so, I will add your project to the BOINC-dev Wicki as a "Known BOINC project". Please note that in order to be known as a "Validated" BOINC Project, it will take some time and will depend on future activities of the project. Some of which will include your communication to your users as to the status of the project, and promulgating results of your findings. Please, keep the user informed at all times, in particular server status as we would need to know if there is a time lag of waiting for the next batch of Work Units so that we do not waste electricity on idle projects and give us time to select another project whilst we are waiting for yours.

I wish you success with your project.
Keep on crunching and have a nice day.

BlackOps Team.