Profile: OtiliaMckenn

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There has been a lot written about unit testing and instrumentation testing on the internet.
However, I felt that there is a need for a very basic explanation of how to add Unit
tests and Instrument tests to your android Application. In this article I’m going to give you the bare basics of writing both Unit and Instrumentation tests, no mocking,
no injection patters, nothing. Take any existing project you have with some decent amount of code.
Often Unit tests are referred to as "local tests" or "local unit tests".
The main reason for this seems to be that you want to be able to run tests without a device or
an emulator attached.

Unit tests cannot test the UI for your
app without mocking objects such as an Activity. Instrumentation tests run on a device or an emulator.

In the background, your app will be installed and then a testing app will
also be installed which will control your app, lunching it and running UI tests
as needed. Instrumentation tests can be used to test none UI logic
as well. They are especially useful when you need to test
code that has a dependency on a context. Lets start with the
unit tests as they are fairly easy to set-up and less prone to quirks.
Start by adding a dependency on JUnit 4 in your project.

The dependency is of type `testCompile` which means that the dependencies is only required to compile the test source of the project.
By default, also includes the compiled production classes
and the compile time dependencies. After you add the
dependency, make sure to synchronize your project.
Android studio should have created the folders structure
for unit tests by default, if not make sure
the following directory structure exists. You can check if the directory structure exists or create
it in Explorer or Finder. You should ideally place your unit tests code
in the same package as the package in which your code reside in your source.
This is not required, but it is considered a good practice.

We will begin by creating DateUtilsTest in our test directory under the package com.alimuzaffar.examplecode.util.

The project structure changes a bit and the test classes under the test directory should become activated.
In order to run the unit test, select the unit test you want to run and select
Run ‘’. When the unit tests are run, successfully or otherwise,
you should be able to see this in the run menu at the bottom of
the screen. To write instrumentation tests, we
don’t need to add any new dependencies. By default, instrumentation tests are most suited for checking values of
UI components when an activity is run.

However, as I mentioned earlier, instrumentation tests work
by using a test app to control your app. For this
reason any actions you take on the UI thread will throw an exception.

There are two ways around this. One would be to use @UiThreadTest annotation, or using espresso.
Instrumentation tests are created in an androidTest folder.

Just like unit tests, under androidTest, you should create the same
package structure as that of your app. If you want to test
a simple activity, you should create you test class in the same package as your Activity.

In order to test the activity, we use an instance of the ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 class.

We can setup our test in the setUp method and then write a
test to make sure our setup was successful. Note: All test methods need to
start with testXXX or be annotated with the @Test annotation. In order to run the instrumentation test, you need
to select Android Instrumentation Tests under Test Artifact in the Build Variants window.
You should see the project structure change and the classes under the androidTest folder should now be visible.
In order to run the test, do a clean build of your project
(this is not required, but you can have some odd issues
when you switch between Unit Tests and Instrumentation Tests and this just helps
reduce issues).

Then right click on the Instrumentation test you want to run and select Run ‘’.
When the project is built, you should be prompted to run it
on an emulator or a device. So far, we have been able to
get a reference to the activity and from it, a
reference to various UI components. You don’t have to create a
different method for each test, however, it is a good practice.
If you need a reference to the context, then remember, we got one in our setUp() method.
Or else, you can just use getActivity(). There are 2 solutions to this, you can either annotate your method with android.test.UiThreadTest annotation. The
second option is to use the new espresso framework.
The typeText action will only work on EditText and other Views
that can be edited (cannot be used on TextView).
That in short are the basics of testing on Android.

Many dysfunctional relationships can be found within the hip-hop culture.
Some women believe men are instruments of use to gain access to
money; some men think women are only have value
when it comes to sexual gratification. Would censoring hip-hop music and
lyrics be an answer? Perhaps, the solution would be to change the hip-hop
society and ideology by discontinue negative and misogynistic lyric promotion. But, the first step to change gender relations within the
hip-hop community is education. People need to be made aware
of the negative and derogatory connotations that continue to violate
women's rights, in sexist lyrics, physical interactions, and at hip-hop gatherings.
But, of course, people need to be receptive to the devastating results that violating human rights cause, and be willing to change.

Are human flesh traders alive and well in the United States?
Of course, we all know trafficking women is illegal, but considering the more than 45,000,000 dating websites
on the Internet, is this a modern legal tool that continues the exploitation of women? Speaking
out against exploitation of women in hip-hop cultures, and for women everywhere, can help change ideologies.
But, if women are not interested or willing to stop exploitation tactics, they will continue to be used
and considered as just sexual instruments.

At their most basic function, access control systems
provide or deny the ability to enter a building, facility, or gated area.
A number of components can be utilized in these control systems.
The typical system allows or denies a person's physical entrance.
Their ability to enter an area may be dependent on payment
or authorization. Basic controls that we encounter on a daily basis include
turnstiles, such as what you would see with an underground
subway system, or a card swipe lock, which requires a programmed
card to bypass. Other components include parking
gates, doors, elevators, and other physical barriers. These types of access control are common sights.

Many businesses and industries are increasing their use of access control systems, particularly
those that utilize badges and card swipe locks. These provide greater access control to areas that
may contain personal information, like patient records at a doctor's office or a
student's dorm. These systems are essential in ensuring the protection of both
people and sensitive information. Historically, the first access control systems were basic locks
and keys. However, locks can be picked and keys can be replicated.
Digital types, in association with close circuit television systems and DVR/NVR recording, allow you to not only allow
entrance to certain individuals, but to also monitor that those
are the people entering. More technically advanced access control systems utilize digital computer technology that resolves the limitations
of a simple lock and key. Entrance can be limited to only those who have the card
with the appropriate entry credentials.

Access control systems allow you to dictate the level of security needed for your architectural door.
But which access control system is right for you?
An access control system gives you the most control over who has access to your business.
These systems allow you to provide the highest level of protection for your employees and assets.

Many business owners are intimidated by these systems,
particularly small business owners who may only have one entry access point.
However, one of the remarkable features of an access control system is that it's
completely scalable, and can work with any size business.

So, what are some examples? One of the most popular types of control systems is the digital
or card access system.

These computer-based systems are capable of working with even the most basic computer
environment, so that if your business isn't tech savvy, you
can still benefit from a digital or card system. Digital keypads allow you to assign PIN numbers to each of your employees (typically up to 500 workers), so that you know exactly who
entered your business, and when. Not only does this give you protection against any potential wrong-doing by
your employees, but it can inform you on whose PIN number might have been compromised if your business is robbed.

An electric strike is also another variety of access
control device. These devices are often times paired with buzzers so that someone within your building can allow access to a visitor
outside. Fail secure/Non-fail safe: During a power failure,
the strike remains lock, although typically someone inside your
building can use the knob to exit, if needed.

Applying electric current to the strike will cause it to open. Fail-safe:
Similar to a magnetic lock, applying an electric current will
cause the strike to lock. During a power failure, either pushing
or pulling
it can open the door. Delayed egress lock. A delayed egress lock is the final type of access system we'll talk about today, although many other varieties exist.

The purpose of the delayed egress lock is to delay egress for 15 to 30 seconds, through perimeter
exit doors. Also, alarm sounds will ring if there is any unauthorized entry or departure.
You often see these systems in long-term care facilities,
museums, warehouses, and airports. Yes, there are many styles of systems to choose from, which means you must truly consider
what your needs are. While it may seem overwhelming now,
a true door and hardware specialist will be able to guide you toward the right decision. Be sure to work
with a distributor who has a reputation for trust and professionalism.

It is certain that the development of control valves is closely related to the industrial process.
It is true that in ancient times, people have come up with the
idea of regulating. People try to regulate the flow of water in rivers or streams by
using large rocks or tree trunks to block the flow of
water or change water flow direction at that time.
And even there are some simple original valves used for crop irrigation in Egyptian and
Greek civilization. Afterwards, Romans developed a complex water system for crop irrigation and
employed plug and plunger valves to prevent the reflux.
Then the Industrial Revolution has proposed the development to a new stage.

James Watt invented the first speed controller adjustment.

People at that time tended to pay more attention on the regulation of flow.
A pump governor, as the fist control valve, was invented
by William Fisher in 1880. This is a kind of self-control valve with a heavy hammer.
When the pressure increases, the valve opening decreases
under the effect of the heavy hammer in order to achieve a stable
pressure. During the 1920s, ball valves are the most popular ones, together with
single-port and double-ported globe valves with V-notch.
When it came to be 1940s, diaphragm valves and butterfly valves came into being
to control the mass flow.

The valve positioner was developed then. During the
1950s, three-way valves and cage valves were carried out
to meet high requirements. In 1970s, cage valves,
especially the eccentric plug valves were popular in many fields in industrial
process. And since 1980, a variety of fine small control valve, control valve actuator are born aiming to
reform the weight and height and circulation of valves.
When stepping into the 21st century, Field bus control valve has been applied.

And it is certain that the requirement for the control valves
would be higher in the future. Control valves and the development of industrial processes developed simultaneously.
To improve the control quality, it is certain to take exact demands on control system and all the composition of
the constituent parts. As the whole society keeps a quick pace, it is necessary to grasp the advanced technologies and employ them into practice.
It is obvious to develop all the time. Otherwise, the whole
industry, even the whole society would not progress.

A laboratory refrigerator or lab freezers have an obvious and essential function; these units are used to cool or freeze samples
for preservation. Typically, refrigerators are used to store samples at a
temperature between - 5 and 15 degrees Celsius, while freezers
will normally store samples at a temperature between - 25 and - 15 degrees Celsius.
Some laboratory freezers are used to store biological samples such as vaccines at a
significantly lower temperature. Cryogenic freezing is also used in some laboratories, but requires specialized equipment that is capable of generating and
tolerating exceptionally low temperatures. Ultra low temperature freezers (usually -50 degrees C and below) commonly use a dual compressor
cascade type of system to reach these low temperatures.
The first compressor is used to obtain a temperature of around
-40 degrees C, after which the second compressor kicks in to achieve the lower temperature that is needed.

These lab freezers will be usually be noisier than a -20 degrees C freezer,
create more heat output into the room and will use more energy.
They are also more expensive to repair than a standard laboratory refrigerator or freezer
if the compressor needs to be replaced, since this will require a repair technician who specializes in these somewhat exotic compressors.
Lab refrigerators and freezers include equipment for storing samples and special instrumentation used for conducting experiments requiring precise temperature control.
For example, a lab refrigerator can be used to set up chromatography apparatus within the refrigerator chamber.
Refrigeration and freezing equipment is also
used for the storage of medical or pharmaceutical supplies.

A blood bank uses a lab refrigerator to preserve the quality of its blood supply.

Laboratory refrigerators and lab freezers that store blood and blood products must meet a
variety of regulatory and quality standards for obvious reasons.
They normally come with an alarm system to warn laboratory personnel
of an equipment failure. Plasma can be stored frozen in a plasma freezer for an extended time period.
Since the typical expiration date is one year from the
collection date, the problem of maintaining an adequate blood
supply is greatly reduced. Pharmacies may also use a laboratory refrigerator
to store vaccines, medications and other temperature sensitive compounds.
Laboratory refrigerators and laboratory freezers include equipment for freezing
blood plasma or other blood products for future use.
Some lab freezers are used to store enzymes or other biological reagents used to
conduct tests. Laboratory refrigerators and laboratory freezers may be stand-alone,
upright units or may fit under the lab counter.

A lab freezer may also be fitted with locks to
restrict entry, and may even be designed to safely insulate flammable materials from
electrical sparks. Some laboratory refrigerators and laboratory freezers are also used as incubators that cycle between a
heating period and a refrigeration period. These types of refrigerators are
often used for culturing and monitoring the growth of bacteria.
Flammable chemicals that require refrigeration must only
be stored in a laboratory refrigerator that is designed for the safe storage of flammables.

A flammable liquid is defined as having a flash point of
less than 100 degrees F (38 degrees C). Flammable
storage laboratory refrigerators are UL approved for storage of flammable chemicals; lab freezers are often used for this purpose as well.

Flammable storage refrigerators have
no electrical sparking devices, relays, switches
or thermostats that could ignite flammable vapors inside the cabinet.
They may also incorporate design features such as thresholds, self-closing doors, magnetic door gaskets and
special inner shell materials that control or limit the damage should a reaction occur within the storage compartment.
A label stating 'Flammable Materials Refrigerator:
Keep fire away' should identify such refrigerators. Flammable storage units cannot
be placed in a room containing explosive vapors,
but chemicals that exude explosive vapors can be safely
stored inside them. They are called lab-safe, fire-safe or explosion safe refrigerators.
These refrigerators are more costly than the standard household
or even laboratory refrigerator for that matter, but they must be used if flammables will
be stored in the refrigerator.

Explosion proof laboratory refrigerators and lab freezers
are rated UL explosion-proof and are similar in design to the flammable storage units, but they also have all
operating components sealed against entrance
of explosive vapors. Electrical junction boxes are also sealed after
connections are made. These units are approved for storage of volatile materials in areas with explosive atmospheres and are the most
costly of all types. This type of refrigerator is only required when storing flammable materials in an area with an explosive atmosphere such as a solvent
dispensing room. An explosion proof laboratory refrigerator has very limited use on campus and require special hazardous
location wiring rather than simple cord and plug connections.

Updated on June 17, 2018 Katy Medium moreKaty mentors young professionals beginning their careers and financial journeys
to make informed decisions. The aerospace industry hires engineers from many different disciplines.
Not just Aerospace Engineers find their career paths leading to an aerospace contractor.
Anything that flies in space needs a multi-disciplinary team to get
it there safely. Read about more engineering degrees and their possible career paths.

The aerospace industry always needs to hire Mechanical Engineers.
Hiring managers at aerospace companies understand that mechanical
engineering is a versatile degree. They are able to take on roles from
mission and avionics design to testing and manufacturing space-rated systems.
Additional specialties can be learned on the job or by returning to college to get
a Master's.

All vehicles sent into space, whether they are landers or
satellites or crew capsules, need to withstand high amounts of stress and loads during launch.
This requires mechanical engineers to design and fabricate the vehicle.
Most structural engineers started with a mechanical or
civil background. These employees become experts on analyzing loads on a vehicle.
They spend a lot of time with CAD models ensuring that the design can withstand the
harsh environment it will experience when riding on the launch vehicle or during dynamic events.

Thermal analysis is usually performed by mechanical engineers who have
additional training in heat transfer. The harsh environments of space (both hot
and cold) make this a particular challenge for the
aerospace industry.

Space vehicles that are designed and flown for
the first time have to be mechanically tested before they
are launched into orbit (or beyond). To determine whether the design is robust enough mechanical engineers
design a test that puts it under loads and strain that mimic the real environments felt during launch.
There are many electrical engineering applications in aerospace.

Almost every aspect of a space mission is driven by power and electronics.

Engineers who studied electrical during college have a huge list
of jobs they can contribute to on an aerospace project.

It takes electrical engineers with a good understanding of power generation to size and analyze the power system.

They will perform trade studies on components like the batteries
and solar arrays to evaluate the best choice for the architecture.
Engineers build in redundancy to the electrical power system.

Branching off from the main power system there are many
smaller systems that need avionics to control the life support system, propulsion,
communication, etc. Electrical engineers play a
key role in designing the controllers for
these systems. The vehicle needs as much information as possible about
the its speed, attitude, temperature, power
output, etc to allow it to respond to dangerous situations.
The system for instrumenting the vehicle is managed by electrical and mechanical engineers.

All of these systems and subsystems that are designed by electrical engineers also need EEs to test them.

Many test engineers have an electrical background they
use for functionally testing avionics. Other engineers
perform EMI/EMC testing, which stands for Electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic
compatibility, respectively. Any spacecraft has a huge
amount of wiring, also called harnessing. Mechanical engineers who are planning
the wire routing in CAD need inputs from electrical engineers about the length and gauge of the harness.

EEs are tasked with solving problems like temperature changes
throughout a wire or understanding how a signal changes along the length.

Obviously, students who study aerospace engineering
learned skills that companies building spacecraft need.
This degree is a more focused version of
mechanical engineering where students learn more about flight dynamics and
fluid mechanics.

When beginning the process of designing a new mission for a lander or satellite the
path the vehicle will take and how much propellant it needs
to get there needs to be calculated. It's the aerospace engineers with knowledge of orbital mechanics that do these calculations.
The mission timeline and objectives are what set the requirements for the vehicle to be designed to.
GNC is a specialized subsystem that is necessary for any vehicle, and it becomes much more difficult and complicated when that vehicle leaves Earth.
Aerospace engineers who have a working knowledge of programming
are particularly suited to work on a GNC team.

A software engineer or a mechanical engineer wouldn't be a bad
choice either, they just have more to learn than someone with an aerospace degree.
GNC work could involve modelling the vehicle's expected trajectory in MATLAB and calculating
how much thrust it needs. Other tasks include performing testing
to show the navigation system meets requirements or a designing
a system to stabilize a satellite once in orbit.

More and more, modern spacecraft rely on sophisticated on-board software.
Where possible, many vehicles are designed with automated systems.
This allows the software on-board to control the flight without needing to communicate with
the ground all the time.

Here is my site -
Basics Of Unit And Instrumentation Testing On Android
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