Top Other teams

RankNameMembersRecent average creditTotal creditCountryType
1 Dutch Power Cows 83 259,450 124,947,246 Netherlands Other
2 Czech National Team 170 81,825 51,087,408 Czech Republic Other
3 SETI.Germany 247 77,903 167,489,945 Germany Other
4 Planet 3DNow! 60 64,550 103,073,222 Germany Other
5 BOINC@AUSTRALIA 115 59,524 59,163,753 Australia Other
6 TeAm AnandTech 46 58,905 117,569,729 International Other
7 WOLFKRAFT 2 56,355 14,070,226 Germany Other
8 AMD Users 42 46,562 22,229,918 International Other
9 In Science We Trust 11 44,902 38,521,387 International Other
10 Phoenix Rising 12 41,352 32,441,345 International Other
11 L'Alliance Francophone 264 40,965 102,194,917 International Other
12 Pesulappu 1 39,136 2,115,540 Finland Other
13 NoTEAM 7 38,024 11,902,055 Germany Other
14 The Final Front Ear 13 28,186 12,025,177 None Other
15 CANAL@Boinc 93 23,745 23,814,699 Spain Other
16 SETI.USA 104 19,680 188,665,171 International Other
17 BOINCstats 67 11,717 20,302,456 International Other
18 The Planetary Society 14 9,737 8,957,828 International Other
19 Centro Meteorologico Lombardo - Italy 2 9,362 1,828,491 Italy Other
20 Team 2ch 74 8,635 20,080,133 Japan Other

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