The Real Weasle

User ID 131772
DENIS@home member since 25 Dec 2023
Country Italy
Total credit 1,828,491
Recent average credit 9,362.25
Computers View

Projects in which The Real Weasle is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
GPUGRID 141,732,500 103,050 25 Dec 2023
DENIS@Home 1,828,490 8,749 25 Dec 2023
Einstein@Home 43,893,888 6,030 18 Feb 2022
World Community Grid 8,261,970 2,580 14 Nov 2007
climateprediction.net 5,174,033 1,593 27 Aug 2004
LHC@home 98,787 128 10 Sep 2008
Rosetta@home 50,468 61 18 Feb 2022
TN-Grid 437,885 0 18 Feb 2022
Universe@Home 2,888,000 0 8 Mar 2022
Team Centro Meteorologico Lombardo - Italy
Message boards 2 posts