Posts by Michael H.W. Weber

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Ukrainian IPs blocked by Denis@home? (Message 2406)
Posted 21 May 2024 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
Thanks for clarifying.

2) Message boards : Number crunching : Ukrainian IPs blocked by Denis@home? (Message 2398)
Posted 17 May 2024 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
...any comments, please?

3) Message boards : Number crunching : Ukrainian IPs blocked by Denis@home? (Message 2397)
Posted 11 May 2024 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
According to a recent post over at our forum which currently deals with the BOINC Pentathlon 2024, several projects can't be supported by ukrainian volunteers because Russia blocks ukrainian IPs.
Surprisingly, it was reported that Denis@home also blocks urkainian IPs. Is that correct and if so, what is the reason for this?

4) Message boards : Number crunching : Database error (Message 2276)
Posted 12 Mar 2024 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
Still massive issues with the server.
At my end, the last valid task dates to around 10 am two days ago. Since then mutiple machines finished tasks one by one on the usual 24/7 basis - most of which first get stuck for hours in malfunctinal server upload attemps, finally upload and end up in the pending queue.
No stats increase since a while - it is plain fishy...


P.S.: The server also has cancelled some recently delievered but not yet started tasks. Makes the planning of non-idle crunching difficult to say the least - given the fact that new tasks are handed out only occasionally.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Database error (Message 2268)
Posted 8 Mar 2024 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
Every day, your project is down for hours shortly after midnight.
Today, there was a database error for at least 7 hours.
Remember how you crashed the entire system several years ago without being able to recover it fully with results & stats being partly lost?
You need to thoroughly check what is going on there - just a friendly reminder...

6) Message boards : News : Problems in the server (Message 1265)
Posted 28 Jun 2017 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
I saw that you managed to restore the stats (although still a few thousand credits are missing). Thanks for taking care about that (although to me it is much more important that the results have been recovered).

Now, what about the requested default integration of the optimized apps? I need to know what your plans are regarding this topic because this will ultimately determine whether or not I am continuing to support your project.

7) Message boards : News : Problems in the server (Message 1248)
Posted 23 Jun 2017 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
Thank you very much for this more detailed feedback.
After this, I think, the situation might be much better than I had initially thought.

I hope you will be able to solve the problems fast.

But I stick to my request to deliver the improved apps as standard apps directly from the DENIS@home website: A speed increase to you means an increase in results throughput. To us it means a reduction in electricity costs and hardware stressing. And as far as I remember, that speed increase was more than just significant.

8) Message boards : News : Problems in the server (Message 1243)
Posted 23 Jun 2017 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
You need a DAILY backup of your entire data and you need to rotate storage of these backups such that potentially bad data doesn't overwrite a good backup. You did not even check your server status for at east 2 days because otherwise you would have noticed much earlier that your entire website was gone, too.

Obviously, you have not made backups for more than 6 months as can be derived from the stats loss. All OUR energy ressources which we invested in your research progress have therefore been wasted if you do not come up with a backup.

The least one can expect, however, is a clean restoration of the credits plus badges which all have gone.

And one more thing: I expect you to STANDARDLY implement the optimized apps for all platforms to stop wasting our energy ressources! The changes to your original code and its testing is well documented and consists of the implementation of profoundly more professional code compared to your original (e.g. GROMACS floating point operations routines, if I remember correctly).

For many years I have witnessed this igorance of, what I like to call, "ivory tower researchers" working in multiple research fields who on the one hand believe, they have all the wisdom in the world while - in fact - they are not even capable of evaluating a code optimization which is suggested to them free of charge and would boost their research throughput profoundly while saving our energy.
I met high energy physicists who laugh at the distributed computing community and continue to waste tax payers money for high performance cluster setup and maintenance not realizing that these HPC, while suitable (and sometimes even required) for some (limited types of) tasks, are basically a "fly's fart in the wind" compared the compute power the DC community offers for free.
The same is true for many biotechnologists.

If you don't comply to the above mentioned requirements, you will probably need a vast amount of money in the very near future to re-fund the re-gathering of all the data that now was lost - then using a costly HPC system.
Because we will be out.

9) Message boards : News : Problems in the server (Message 1238)
Posted 22 Jun 2017 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
You have deleted months of work.

10) Message boards : Number crunching : Forum login issue (Message 62)
Posted 9 Apr 2015 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
When writing a posting and clearing the browser information (cookies, cache, login information, etc.) I will be directed to a 404 error message when re-logging in to post another message. Fact is, however, that I was correctly logged in despite the error page showing up (as evident when going back to the previous page from which I logged in and reloading that page).
So, somehow the website responds malfunctionally.

11) Message boards : Number crunching : Extremely slow download? (Message 61)
Posted 9 Apr 2015 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
...the problem does continue. Extremely slow download over here...

12) Message boards : Science : What exactly is this project about? (Message 60)
Posted 9 Apr 2015 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
Thanks a lot for this information which, if shortened just a bit, would also make a good primer for your project's webpage.

13) Message boards : Science : What exactly is this project about? (Message 45)
Posted 9 Apr 2015 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
Do you have any publication(s) of your lab on this topic that you could refer to?

14) Message boards : Science : What exactly is this project about? (Message 35)
Posted 9 Apr 2015 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
I can't find a detailed description of what this project is about on your website, so could you please explain in some more detail than just giving a head line such as "research in cardiac electrophysiology"?

How can distributed computing help with this research topic?
