Posts by Jesús Carro

1) Message boards : Science : Previous Model vs New Model (Message 2453)
Posted 14 days ago by Profile Jesús Carro
We are close to finishing the current simulations, in the next few days, which will be calmer as the course is already over, I will prepare a post indicating how we are doing and what will come.

2) Message boards : Number crunching : Thought on Invalid Work Units. (Message 2447)
Posted 18 days ago by Profile Jesús Carro
I have to apologize because we hoped to have resolved this in less time. We do not activate the homogeneous option, because although it would solve it, in many cases it would force an unnecessary homogeneity (not all tasks that come from different OS are rejected, only a small percentage).
However, we have temporarily activated it until we have solved it.

All the best,
3) Message boards : Number crunching : HTTPS and more WU's (Message 2431)
Posted 12 Jun 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
That is the folder, but by default the server never shows folder contents, so you need to write the full address for the different files that are exported (https://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/XmlStats)

For example: https://denis.usj.es/denisathome/stats/user.gz

4) Questions and Answers : Web site : Team creation (Message 2415)
Posted 23 May 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
Bonjour, voici le lien: https://denis.usj.es/denisathome/team_create_form.php
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Ukrainian IPs blocked by Denis@home? (Message 2404)
Posted 21 May 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
Sorry for the delayed response. We are not blocking any IP but I have asked to the IT department and they indicate that, for sequrity reasons, the IPs of the following countries are blocked to access to the University: Antigua and Barbuda, Albania, Bangladesh, Brazil, Belize, China, Georgia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Iraq, Kenya, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Myanmar, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Serbia, Russia, Seychelles, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe.

It's out of our control, sorry.

6) Message boards : Number crunching : HTTPS and more WU's (Message 2387)
Posted 30 Apr 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
Yes I'm Ok with being whitelisted.

7) Message boards : Science : Previous Model vs New Model (Message 2374)
Posted 16 Apr 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
Hi Rilian,
The New human ventricular cell model (NHuVe) is now stopped because we have found some problems in the new model that requieres to go back to the definition and restart.

In the Human ventricular cell models optimization (HuVeMOp), we are currently optimizing one of the models indicated there (ORd). It is really difficult to estimate how much simulations we will need. Now we are using 4 different aproaches to find the best one with the ORd model. We will later continue with the other models. So, probably a lot of simulations remain...

8) Message boards : Number crunching : Server is out of work (Message 2351)
Posted 8 Apr 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
Dear all,
Sorry for not notifying you, but last week it was vacation at the university and I couldn't send work. There are times that even in those periods I am attentive, but this time it was not possible.
I'm going to post-process the previous results now and probably this afternoon (it's 10:30 here in Spain), work will appear again.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : no valid ssl for Linux (Message 2318)
Posted 26 Mar 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
Could you indicate me the moment in which you get this error?

Thank you.

10) Message boards : Number crunching : Crunching on Windows vs Linux (Message 2314)
Posted 21 Mar 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
NHuVe and HuVeMOp are the same application (same sources), we have two different programs to separate the simulations. The only difference is that in the NHuVe we used our model, and in the HuVeMOp we are running O'Hara's model, but the compiled app is the same. Both can run both models, we have two separated apps in DENIS for organization.

11) Message boards : News : Hard drive space crisis solved // Crisis de espacio en el disco duro resuelta (Message 2309)
Posted 19 Mar 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
Thank you for your messages. Yes, you are right, I should post it before in other platforms. We can not send a message to the Boinc client if the server is down, because they are send when we crate a post in the News forum and we indicate it.
I should reactivate the different social profiles, at least for this situations.

Thank you,
12) Questions and Answers : Web site : web site status???? (Message 2308)
Posted 19 Mar 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
You are welcome!
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Crunching on Windows vs Linux (Message 2307)
Posted 19 Mar 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
What do you consider the 'optimized' app?

14) Message boards : News : Hard drive space crisis solved // Crisis de espacio en el disco duro resuelta (Message 2289)
Posted 13 Mar 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
Dear volunteers,
This weekend we have broken a new record for computing Teraflops (since we are in this new stage of the project). This is thanks to the pace of sending results that you have been doing in recent days and being more stable in the generation of work packages.

Although we were monitoring it, the coincidence of this peak with the database backup on the weekend has caused the hard drive to become saturated sooner than expected. We have been working since Monday on moving data out of the server and even other processes, but as we gained space it kept filling up with results that were pending upload.

This morning, for the first time in two days, more tasks have been validated than have been received and little by little normality will return. At first, it doesn't seem like anything has been lost and we are already submitting work again.

We have expanded the space to receive results and are working on automating some of the tasks to ensure we can continue to grow.

Thank you all very much, if we have this type of problems it is because of the great support you give us, we will continue working to grow by your side.

Sorry for not answering in the forums, and thank you very much for be aware of the evolution.

All the best,


Estimados voluntarios:
Este fin de semana hemos batido un nuevo record de Teraflops de computación (desde que estamos en esta nueva etapa del proyecto). Esto es gracias al ritmo de envío de resultados que estáis haciendo en los últimos días y de estar más estables en la generación de paquetes de trabajo.

Aunque ibamos monitorizándolo, la coincidencia de este pico con la copia de seguridad de la base de datos en el fin de semana ha hecho que se saturara el disco duro antes de lo esperado. Hemos estado trabajando desde el lunes en mover datos fuera del servidor e incluso otros procesos, pero según ganábamos espacio se seguía llenando con los resultados que estaban pendientes de subir.

Esta mañana, por primera vez en dos días se han validado más tareas de las que se han recibido y poco a poco se irá retomando la normalidad. En principio, no parece que se haya perdido nada y ya estamos enviando trabajo de nuevo.

Hemos ampliado el espacio para recibir resultados y estamos trabajando en automatizar algunas de las tareas para garantizar que podemos seguir creciendo.

Muchas gracias a todos, si tenemos este tipo de problemas es por el gran apoyo que nos dais, seguiremos trabajando para crecer a vuestro lado.

Disculpad que no haya contestado en los foros, muchas gracias por estar tan pendientes de la evolución.

Un saludo,
15) Message boards : News : Project status update // Actualización del estado del proyecto (Message 2253)
Posted 5 Feb 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
Hi Jay,
While we are preparing the new simulations, we are testing some modifications in the optimization algorithm. In particular, the ones related to ORdInc, are working quite well. The differences are related on how we modify the region in which we look for new combinations of parameters. In the original one, we reduce the zone if the approximation was bad, and we increase if a parameter was in the limit of the region. In the ORdInc, we are also increasing if the approximation is really good. The smallest error has been found with this new approximation, but this result needs to be validated out of the optimization... we need to be cautious

By now, not, WU will not be highly produced yet.

16) Message boards : Number crunching : DENIS@home app for Raspberry Pi 32-bit? (Message 2250)
Posted 26 Jan 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
Hi denismac,
At the moment we do not plan to expand to 32 bits. Maybe in the future, but not in the short term.

17) Message boards : News : Project status update // Actualización del estado del proyecto (Message 2243)
Posted 17 Jan 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
No, it is the same app, but we are trying a parameters in the simulation far away from the usuall ones. I don't know if it could generate any problem and I prefer to send in the Beta. We are testing some modifications in the optimization algorithm, not in the model. It will requiere a lot of time.

18) Message boards : News : Project status update // Actualización del estado del proyecto (Message 2241)
Posted 12 Jan 2024 by Profile Jesús Carro
Dear volunteers,
I am writing to update you on how the different experiments we had launched have been going and the next steps we will take.

On the one hand, we have finished (at least temporarily) the optimization of our model. As we had already told you, with the results that you have sent us, we managed to greatly improve how our model represented different physiological markers, but a problem that we thought we had solved had reappeared. We have tried different options but it reappeared in all of them. That forces us to stop and take steps back in the definition of the model, so, for the moment, we will not be launching new simulations in NHuVe.

On the other hand, as we had told you, we are trying to use our optimization algorithm in another existing model. The results seem to be very good, but we have to work in parallel on their validation.

In the coming weeks we will be working on requesting funding from the Government of Aragon for a new research project that will use DENIS as a computing platform, so you may have noticed that our activity has decreased a little. If this goes well (hopefully!) we will keep you informed, but keep in mind that these things are slow so the answer will take months to arrive.

Thank you all very much for staying there and for your support.



Estimados voluntarios:
Os escribo para actualizar cómo han ido yendo los diferentes experimentos que teníamos lanzados y los próximos pasos que seguiremos.

Por un lado, hemos terminado (al menos temporalmente) la optimización de nuestro modelo. Como ya os habíamos comentado, con los resultados que nos habéis ido mandando conseguíamos mejorar mucho cómo nuestro modelo representaba diferentes marcadores fisiológicos pero había reaparecido un problema que creíamos haber solucionado. Hemos probado diversas opciones pero en todas ellas reaparecía. Eso nos obliga a parar y dar pasos atrás en la definición del modelo, por lo que, por el momento, no estaremos lanzando nuevas simulaciones en NHuVe.

Por otro lado, como os habíamos adelantado, estamos probando a utilizar nuestro algoritmo de optimización en otro modelo ya existente. Los resultados parecen ser muy buenos, pero tenemos que ir trabajando en paralelo en la validación de los mismos.

En las próximas semanas estaremos trabajando en pedir financiación al Gobierno de Aragón para un nuevo proyecto de investigación que utilizará DENIS como plataforma de cómputo por lo que habréis notado que ha bajado un poco nuestra actividad. Si esto saliera bien (¡ojalá!) os mantendremos informados, pero contad que estas cosas son lentas así que la respuesta tardará meses en llegar.

Muchas gracias a todos por seguir ahí y por vuestro apoyo.

19) Message boards : Number crunching : Invalid tasks (Message 2219)
Posted 15 Nov 2023 by Profile Jesús Carro
No, most of the invalid causes are problems due to differences in the OS we have no considered. We need to still improve the program to avoid them.

20) Questions and Answers : Getting started : Project URL (Message 2207)
Posted 17 Oct 2023 by Profile Jesús Carro
I don't know. As far I know, the client takes the projects from https://boinc.berkeley.edu/projects.php. The client updates it with a low frequency, but this mechanism is present since years

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