Posts by puurome

1) Message boards : News : Hard drive space crisis solved // Crisis de espacio en el disco duro resuelta (Message 2391)
Posted 3 May 2024 by puurome
Thank you for your messages. Yes, you are right, I should post it before in other platforms. We can not send a message to the Boinc client if the server is down, because they are send when we crate a post in the News forum and we indicate it.
I should reactivate the different social profiles, at least for this situations.

Thank you,

Thank you Jesus for your hard work and for keeping the server working and keeping us posted.
The idea of reactivating the project social media accounts in case of a down of a server is an excellent idea.
I hope you keep informing all the contributors (us) on a regular basis.

Muchas gracias Jesús por tu trabajo duro para mantener los servidores funcionando y nosotros informados.
Es brillante la idea de reactivar las cuentas de la redes sociales, en caso los servidores no funcionan correctamente.
Por favor continúen manteniendo informados periódicamente a todos los que contribuimos al proyecto.
