Posts by Peter Ingham

1) Message boards : Number crunching : What does 1 credit equal? (Message 2083)
Posted 24 Apr 2023 by Peter Ingham
The intention of the Boinc developers is that "1 unit of credit = 1/200 day runtime on a CPU whose Whetstone benchmark is 1 GFLOPS."

Variations will occur due to coding differences, machine architecture and usage differences, and deliberate gaming of the system (e.g. Projects that grant more credits to entice people to contribute to them rather than to others). Gaming the system can also occur where users deliberately cheat (e.g. by over-reporting runtime; or by "Cherry-Picking").

The original post by Jesus contained links to definitive statements of how the points system works and how it attempts to address unintended variations (such as coding/hardware differences) and intended variations (Gaming/Cheating).