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Profile jOc

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Message 1222 - Posted: 1 Jun 2017, 8:54:04 UTC

boinc - enhancing research workloads for the benefit of mankind & humanity - Computer Optimisation - CPU , GPU & RAM - PC, Mac & ARM development

HPC - High Performance Computation for beneficial goals and obvious worth.

(Guide, experimentation, developer kit's and manuals)

Observing the workloads of many beneficial projects we find that commonly the workload data set is small,
In addition to the memory set being smaller or larger than a machine can compute optimally; we find that feature sets such as fae and avx have commonly not been implemented,

Some projects like asteroids at home and the seti project are using enhanced computation instruction sets ... like avx and memory loads that benefit from the 4gb or more ram that is available on decent gaming and home laptops.

Not all modern machines have loads of ram; However research and or university establishments use sufficiently powerful machines that can glow on the boinc record in full glory with a 256mb to 768mb workload,

In addition the machines are operand,xen ... commonly and servers may have such as Sparc or power pc specific hardware and instruction sets,

In order to examine examples .. below we can see workloads include small data arrays; in the 40mb to 79mb range..

In line with servers and gaming rigs .. we have 1gb of ram per core, of course not all issues require a larger array in the workload and some machines have 256mb per core !

However much Ram you allocate to the projected workload; small memory loads can and will be sufficient for data swapping and or paging (like DNA Replicators)...

Some task can sufficiently benefit from larger thread and data models, to my mind DNA and mapping data are fine examples of specific workloads; Where memory counts,

In addition thread count can be 4 or other numbers and i suggest that a single task can use more than one core and instruction set (neon for example or Symmetric threading FPU, SMT)

Specific workload optimisation, or rather generic with SSE and AVX and FPU threading and precision optimisation would be very cool while we deal with the workload running app

In particular the Ryzen multi-core is a new and exciting product,

So take care to read the guides in the lower half of the document, AVX2, RDSEED, ADX and additional encryption formats are some of the most exciting changes to the AMD Ryzen Arch.

Further thought ... Efficiency :

add a MHz/Dhrystone's/MIP'S performance per watt to each system ...
then projects will further optimise workloads to improve upon workload energy & environmental efficiency versus work carried out.

Work Hours x Mhz / (efficiency per watt)
Hours / % of projects finished with work completed

Also bear in mind that GPU's need watt efficiency and task management to optimise power used versus work done....

worker priority should always be :

efficiency + merit of the work
time / % necessity

Please examine the issue further.

Rupert S

PC Computing work load Photos http://bit.ly/HPCImpact

http://bit.ly/HPC-Dev for SDK's and programming guides and photos

http://bit.ly/tRNG-Dev for entropy devices

http://bit.ly/BoincStudies - Result Studies

https://browser.geekbench.com/v4/compute/743093 GPU Function
https://browser.geekbench.com/v4/cpu/2831836 CPU Function
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Profile jOc

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Message 1223 - Posted: 3 Jun 2017, 18:38:57 UTC

CPU Optimisation - utility and function.

http://gpuopen.com/compute-product/codexl/ - CodeXL is a code efficiency analyser optimiser debugger for GPU and CPU and system.

http://bit.ly/CoXLPhoto - CodeXL in action photos

http://support.amd.com/TechDocs/24593.pdf - AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2: System Programming

http://www.agner.org/optimize/ - code optimisation for all programmers on X86,X86-64bit and some others.
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Profile jOc

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Message 1224 - Posted: 3 Jun 2017, 21:09:22 UTC

http://www.noamross.net/blog/2013/4/25/faster-talk.html - speeding up code a guide - profiling and bench-marking.

http://www.pgroup.com/doc/pgi17ug-x64.pdf - PGI Compiler guide

http://www.agner.org/optimize/ - code optimisation for all programmers on X86,X86-64bit and some others.. this is a terrific resource !
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Profile jcastro

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Message 1225 - Posted: 7 Jun 2017, 15:04:32 UTC


Those improvent are in our horizont, we will look all the information you give to us, but we have other work to do on our simulator that is still in progress.

Also, is important to know that our application wants to cover as much computers as possible, it means compile with low versions of libraries etc... But in a future we will do our best to obtain a CPU optimized application and maybe a GPU application that could cover other approaches of electrophysiology.

Last but not least, thanks for the info.

Best regards, Joel.
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Profile jOc

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Message 1229 - Posted: 11 Jun 2017, 14:45:15 UTC - in response to Message 1225.  

you are most welcome pass it along to others! in projects and maybe on average work will get better on all projects !

http://esa-space.blogspot.com/ - for all kinds of research and thought.

the compilers are probably of most interest ...

Compilers and Make compliant with SMT and other HPC Standards

https://cmake.org/ make




Those improvent are in our horizont, we will look all the information you give to us, but we have other work to do on our simulator that is still in progress.

Also, is important to know that our application wants to cover as much computers as possible, it means compile with low versions of libraries etc... But in a future we will do our best to obtain a CPU optimized application and maybe a GPU application that could cover other approaches of electrophysiology.

Last but not least, thanks for the info.

Best regards, Joel.
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Message boards : Number crunching : boinc - Computer Optimisation - CPU , GPU & RAM - PC, Mac & ARM development - for programmers SDK links