Last updated 13 Dec 2024, 1:50:20 UTC

WadeHendrix0 ("My name's Wade Hendrix but everybody calls me Wade. I'm from Sweden. I'm studying at the...")
WilburBrinkl ("Hello, I'm Wilbur, a 18 year old from Bernhards, Austria. My hobbies include (but are...")
WilmaWarren ("I am Wilma from Ponte Caffaro. I am learning to play the Banjo. Other hobbies are Gaming.")
WillisMcClou ("Hi there! :) My name is Willis, I'm a student studying Economics from Plattling, Germany.")
WUYLeilani1 ("Hi! My name is Leilani and I'm a 17 years old boy from Hofarnsdorf.")
WadeHsu48821 ("I'm Wade and I live with my husband and our two children in Bosenort, in the BURGENLAND...")
WilliemaeFar ("My hobby is mainly Golf. Sounds boring? Not! I try to learn Chinese in my free time.")
WilheminaLat ("I'm a 34 years old, married and work at the college (International Relations). In my...")
Willis21Y119 ("I like my hobby Freerunning. I try to learn Turkish in my spare time.")
WilmaDuffy93 ("I'm Wilma and I live with my husband and our two children in Yarroweyah, in the VIC south...")

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