Last updated 8 Feb 2025, 5:36:22 UTC

VirginiaD99 ("I am 36 years old and my name is Mirta Finckh. I life in Groningen (Netherlands). My...")
VinceHeilman ("My name is Vince and I am studying Business and Management and Continuing Education and...")
Velda42K4144 ("Hello, dear friend! I am Wally. I am happy that I can join to the entire world. I live in...")
VirginiaDoug ("Olá tudo bem? A princípio eu sou Virginia eu vivo com alguns parentes em minha...")
VanitaMacDev ("Hi there! :) My name is Vanita, I'm a student studying Biochemistry from La Neirigue,...")
VadaFrick27 ("I’m Vada from Fortaleza doing my final year engineering in Computer Science. I did...")
ValorieSerle ("Me chame por Valorie me domicilio em Sens. Sobre o assunto meus hobies, eu amo de Dobro....")
VicenteVerco ("Certo, vamos! Me chame por Vicente eu nasci em 1 April 1985. Sobre o assunto meus...")
ValentinAmes ("Hello from Canada. I'm glad to came here. My first name is Valentin. I live in a city...")
ValentinBodi ("I'm Valentin (31) from Brielen, Belgium. I'm learning Norwegian literature at a local...")

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