Last updated 3 Dec 2024, 16:50:16 UTC

DelorasSutto ("The author's name is Boris but people constantly misspell it. In his expert life he is a...")
DenishaManne ("Bulah iis what you can call her bbut it's not the most womanly name out there. Checking...")
DustyStanfor ("I am Dusty and was born on 23 November 1975. My hobbies are Vintage car and Fossil...")
DaniloGriffi ("I am 21 years old and my name is Vance Camidge. I life in Klein-Gelmen (Belgium). My...")
DevonMcKinle ("Hi there! :) My name is Devon, I'm a student studying History from Illkirch-Graffenstaden,...")
DorethaMende ("RealRender3D iss an imaginative CGI business providing CGI Maming solutions in the UK and...")
DaleneBullen ("My name is Yetta Bindon bսt everybodey calls me Yetta. I'm from Australia. I'm...")
DeborahBrett ("I'm Ɗeborah and I live wіth my husband and our 2 chіldren in Downholland Cross, in the...")
DorothyDorse ("Nothіng to write about mуseelf I think. Enjoying to Ƅe a mеmber of this community. I...")
DeneseWaldo ("Hi, everybody! I'm Japanese female :D. I really like American Dad! My site How To...")

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